Post here when u get a mystery balloon!

Sold one of my sweet bunny balloons to try for another gradient bunny balloon token! I'm thinking about whether to sell one more sweet balloon or not, and I hope I get anything but yet another sweet balloon.
Update: I bought another gradient bunny balloon token shortly after I posted this. I was going to sell another sweet balloon away, but decided against it and gave it to a friend so they could buy another token.
I haven't even looked at the balloon choices. I should check out what they all have to offer. It's nice that they're letting everyone sell back to get confetti with the sweet balloon.
Just got my first balloon! I missed the confetti quota by like 25-ish so I couldn't get one the first round! Here's to hoping it's a HOT Heart Balloon! Or even a rainbow one c:
Sold one of my sweet bunny balloons to try for another gradient bunny balloon token! I'm thinking about whether to sell one more sweet balloon or not, and I hope I get anything but yet another sweet balloon.
They said you could only sell back the sweet balloons got from this event not previous events. Best of luck to you!