Pokémon Post your Shiny Pokémon collection.

found this one in a friend safari :)

Found Liepard in Black (or white i forget) (i didnt have enough pokeballs so i had to run away :(
Drowzee in SoulSliver (traded it away)
Dragonair in Y in the friend safari (now a dragonite)
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Found Liepard in Black (or white i forget) (i didnt have enough pokeballs so i had to run away :(
Drowzee in SoulSliver (traded it away)
Dragonair in Y in the friend safari (now a dragonite)
Drowzee looks like an unmixed strawberry milk drink.

Whats the easiest way to get a shiny :/
Masuda Method guarantees that you get to keep your shiny once you find it, and there is also a fair chance of that shiny having a competitive ability and IV spread once you get into some of the other mechanics behind breeding. It is very slow-paced though.

Aside from that it depends entirely on what Pok?mon you are going after. I suggest looking into Chain Fishing, DexNav Chaining, Hordes, Friend Safari, and Soft Resetting; when I got into shiny hunting YouTube was a very informative place to start out at.

As for actually catching your shiny if you choose to go into the methods I mentioned in the second paragraph, look into getting a Smeargle and teach it the following moves: False Swipe, Spore, and Soak. False Swipe never drops the opposing Pok?mon below 1HP, and Spore puts your opponent to sleep with a 100% accuracy. These two moves used together greatly increase your chance of catching a Pok?mon. Soak lets you hit Ghost types and allows you to hit Steel and Rock types for normal damage with False Swipe, and also allows you to hit Grass types with Spore. The 4th move slot is usually Taunt to keep Pok?mon from healing or fleeing battle.
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i have around 7 boxes of shinies from the safari, trades and from friends
Omg I just saw the gen 7 shiny animation and idk if I like it...
In Pok?mon Moon I got a shiny Smeargle, Minior, Grubbin, Pikipek, Alolan Meowth and Tsareena. Sadly there aren't any gen 7 gifs yet though :(
I have 4 boxes filled with shinies. Since there too much to list, I'll list a few: reshiram, the eeveelutions, most of the starters and their evolutions (except gen 7), drifblim...
A Sandslash in Crystal

A Poochyena in Emerald

A Fearow in Platinum (ded)

Obligatory Gyarados, a Swinub and a Drowzee in Heart Gold (also ded)

Horsea in Y (maybe ded?)

Bounsweet, Corsola, and Fomantis in Sun.

There are more but they were traded and I'm not going to claim those as my own accomplishments.
i am a shiny hunter! i made myself a shiny card a while back, it's missing a patrat i got after 22k encounters and then an eevee i got from SOS in moon. the majority are from diamond/pearl/platinum but there's a couple from white 2 near the bottom!

i also found a registeel that ended up struggling to death on platinum. my favourites are murkrow (mainly because it took 10 phases and 9 other shinies to find him in eterna forest), cranidos and shaymin.
I caught a shiny Corsola while looking for a shiny Mareanie, I think I'll just breed a shiny Mareanie instead lol

i am a shiny hunter! i made myself a shiny card a while back, it's missing a patrat i got after 22k encounters and then an eevee i got from SOS in moon. the majority are from diamond/pearl/platinum but there's a couple from white 2 near the bottom!

i also found a registeel that ended up struggling to death on platinum. my favourites are murkrow (mainly because it took 10 phases and 9 other shinies to find him in eterna forest), cranidos and shaymin.

You have a nice collection! Must have been loads of work considering the odds in those older games. Also you actually found a shiny legendary!? That's so cool! But it struggling to death is somewhat less cool :(
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Once I caught a shiny Golbat and Zubat in the same day, in the same game (emerald) and their colors are so gross lmao.. I also bred myself a shiny Pumpkaboo which is now a Gourgeist in X, its my pride and joy <3
I have more but it's nothing special, just random encounters, one was from breeding without even trying, i just needed the pokemon
Currently I'm breeding for a Shiny Popplio which has 4 Egg Moves and all offspring having about 4-6IV's. On about 350 eggs now, probably more.
I caught two shiny Eevees so far in Pokemon Moon after going on a shiny hunt for them. Just evolve one into Vaporeon today.
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Since I'm pretty much done hunting in the Gen 6 games save for the Tao Trio and Unova Genies, I decided to update my album with all the shiny Pokemon I caught up until now in Omega Ruby. 25 new shinies if anyone wants to check from my Scrafty to my Pinsir. Can't wait to transfer all of these guys over into Moon when PokeBank comes out. c:


Separate albums for the shinies I've obtained in Sun and Moon, they'll be merged with the album above once I get all three of them up to level 100.

#78 Flora the Lurantis (still a Fomantis in these pics): http://imgur.com/a/QXJw2
#79 Gloomy the Mimikyu: http://imgur.com/a/D3UDR
#80 Vigilance the Silvally (still a Type: Null in these pics): http://imgur.com/a/8CVl8

Currently hunting for a shiny Bounsweet via MM. I was going to hunt for it immediately after my Mimikyu, but I was so done with hatching eggs after hatching 2,290 of them so I went after Type: Null instead. After this, I'm definitely going after Reshiram, Zekrom, and Kyurem since I got my Alpha Sapphire save file back.