Town Name: Boston
Villagers: Coco, Zucker, Leopold, Pietro, Willow, Filbert, Bangle, Cole, Soleil, and Olaf
Native Fruit: Cherry
Theme: The town doesn't necessarily have a theme, but there are a TON of flowers, so I guess... a nature theme?
•All of my dream villagers live here

•I love how there's a little walkway to my house (the house with the red icon on it). I don't even mind the campgrounds being really close to it.
•I can go and visit Harvey without having to walk really far.
• I love how the town plaza is straight down from the train station. It's like an introduction to the town (there's a lot of designs around the tree).
•All of my neighbors (excluding one) and PWPs are strategically placed so they're out of the way and their presence makes the surrounding scenery look nice.
•I love how the campsite has its own little area neat the ocean.
•I also really like how town hall is conveniently really close to the train station!
•Pietro's house (directly NE of the plaza) is in a weird spot, but it doesn't really bother me that much. His house is behind a lot of bushes and trees so it just seems a bit disconnected in a way.
•There is only one bridge in the town, and there is no other spot in the town where a bridge would physically nor visually work out.
•I need more room for flower beds...
•I feel like the area near Retail and above the police station is set up kinda weird, but I'm used to it so I'm not gonna change it.
•There isn't really anything I dislike about this layout, but I really loved my old town layout, where there was a "square" with a fountain in it leading up to the mayor's house. That layout was really nice. Also, there was a "park" area that had benches, the flower clock, and a few other PWPs that also looked really nice. But pretty much in every other way, the new town is better.
If you wanna check out my town, the dream address is in my signature