Post Your Town Map

This map is my dream.

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Seeing all the other nice maps on this thread is making me feel like my map sucks, but here it is. This is Luna Bay, founded... yesterday.
I reset for over a month to find a nice map, and I ended up settling on this one. It has peaches, circle grass, and a brown town hall; all of which are perfect (it gets real frustrating real fast when you're resetting not only for a good map, but for a specific grass shape/fruit/town hall color as well). I'm planning on putting the police station directly in line with the town hall, to the left (right where my character is standing). I'm thinking the cafe would be nice on the center peninsula right above my house. If anyone has an idea for the campsite, feel free to let me know.
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New Canvas.jpg

Seeing all these really nicely laid out towns kinda makes me want to reset mine. xAx The gyroid is where Brewsters will be after I finish funding it.
I'm trying to get four of those villagers to leave, and one other is on his way out soon. Oh, and I got a pear-town & Isabelle gave me peaches.
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Main Town: Fantasea
Mayor: Mally
Fruit: Oranges, but I have all of them.
Favorite Villager: Marshal or Hazel. I also have Gladys, Penelope, Lionel (who I'm trying to get to leave), Chrissy, Shari, Bettina, Benjamin, and Sprinkle. None of my villagers were bought, I've gotten all of the "popular" ones by pure chance via the campsite.

The only thing that irks be about my town is that because of my Mayor's house and the coffee shop placement, I will never be able to put a bridge on the East side of my town. Other than that, I like it a lot.
Here is mine, with all my dream villagers already. I reset for this one, after demolishing my first town because I wasn't happy with it. I'm happy with how it looks.


Poppy behind the town hall looks better in game, since there are a bunch of trees in between sort of nestling her house. My town is largely unfinished, though. Still waiting on those uchi PWPs and then I have to plant a bunch of trees and flowers as well. I'm going for sort of a natural feel as opposed to specific themes.

(Bad image quality as I'm in college & I don't have access to the internet on my 3DS. ;; )

My map is one of the first ones that was available to me when I first started the game but I'm still very much in love with it. I just love the "U" shape my river makes & that I'm able to have the cafe in a little area in the middle. (*^-^*)
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Sholee, I can't even begin to imagine how many times you must have plot resetted to get it that uniform O.O
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This is mine. not really particular about map layout or such the first time i play. ( i only play acnl) so if there is any flaw in my map , i'd already adapt to it.
Here is mine, with all my dream villagers already. I reset for this one, after demolishing my first town because I wasn't happy with it. I'm happy with how it looks.


Poppy behind the town hall looks better in game, since there are a bunch of trees in between sort of nestling her house. My town is largely unfinished, though. Still waiting on those uchi PWPs and then I have to plant a bunch of trees and flowers as well. I'm going for sort of a natural feel as opposed to specific themes.

I'm crying right now. I want this map so badly but have never found one that works while reseting. :( You even have the plaza right in front of Town Hall! :(
This is mine. not really particular about map layout or such the first time i play. ( i only play acnl) so if there is any flaw in my map , i'd already adapt to it.
Wow, your villager house placement is incredible. Do you maybe have a Dream Address we could visit? :)
@Campy no at the moment. still busying with landscape recently . hopefully soon !