Cycling Power Rangers Cycling ~OLD THREAD~

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Hahaha that's good <3 c:

I've never restarted a pokemon game..(except accidentally on white and lost the whole completed pokedex..) but that's cause i'm a completionist. I want to get all pokemon, ALL of them. then I want to get all of them to lvl 100.. then i want to finish the shiny version of the pokedex..
I'm insane. I know.

I want to finish the pokedex in Y, just because I loved that game so freaking much
No . . YAYAAAYYYYAAY IT'S YOOKEY! im doing good. Just running off for a smoothie. Be back in a jiff
I've never had smoothie before o:

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I want to finish the pokedex in Y, just because I loved that game so freaking much
I'm going to do that as well. Except I have X. c:
It's going to be hard. If I had my white save left it'd be easy to just trasnfer.. but now.. ugh. All from scratch.
But hey, that's fun too! c;
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