Cycling Power Rangers Cycling ~OLD THREAD~

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Guys, this is serious. Someone (and a bunch of others) want to take away the ability to earn TBT bells by posting in our threads as a chat room.
Especially to the cyclers, let's put our input into this.

Sigh you have got to be kidding me. Not only do I see an example post from THIS thread, hes obviously talking about my thread. I am surprised it got so many posts in so little time, but who care's if people want to chat?
I noticed he used two examples from here.
Like, are you really so upset that you had to go back at least five pages in this thread just because you were jealous of not getting as many Tbt bells?
And the thing about the introduction board, he WILLINGLY makes those posts, NO one is forcing him to.
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if someone's selling something for TBT,
buy it.

store collectables <3

Forgive me for not knowing but.. what are the store collectibles?

- - - Post Merge - - -

Ugh I did just reset my town but, I'm gonna go for a bit. Feelin all weird and shaky
guys I got snow ma'am up c: snowflakes are around so feel free to come by and get some ice furniture from her c: its 5 snowflakes per peice c: I'll be doing dishes but after that I'm free
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