Cycling Power Rangers Cycling ~OLD THREAD~

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I don't think so :c I know he likes cranky/smug...maybe uchi would be the best ;u;/
He hates rocket tho and has mira ;u;/
sobs he hates any birds types
ugh he's picky

Why not just have him have a look at my list of current villagers? :D


Well I suck at everything, looks like no tickets or prizes for me.

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Lucha has been adopted
I love smug types, but I think Ucchi's are extremely helpful.
Snooty types are hilarious dialogue wise.
Gosh I didn't even get all the endings yet cause I was so sad. I have to go back and do that </3

Hmm... Well I hope its still like mass effect... I really liked customizing my character and making choices, even if they really didn't matter in the end

I so cried at the end of ME3 when you made Garrus leave you behind. (My friend says she couldn't get that cutscene so I have no idea how I got it...)

That's what I'm hoping too. Guess we'll find out in the next year or so.

You can always watch the other endings on youtube. It's... slightly less painful. XD

You have to complete his romance in order to get that cutscene. If she completed that, then you have to download the extended ending DLC. I forget off the top of my head if you need the extended DLC to be able to see it since I had that DLC during my 1st playthrough of ME3.

OMG! I did too!! </3
That's what I'm hoping too. Guess we'll find out in the next year or so.

You can always watch the other endings on youtube. It's... slightly less painful. XD

You have to complete his romance in order to get that cutscene. If she completed that, then you have to download the extended ending DLC. I forget off the top of my head if you need the extended DLC to be able to see it since I had that DLC during my 1st playthrough of ME3.

OMG! I did too!! </3

Ahhh see thats what I thought! I told her to download the extended DLC so hopefully she gets it this time around. She has been very into Skyrim lately though XD

I've seen a few cutscenes I missed on youtube and glad I did SO I NEVER HAVE TO DO THEM MYSELF

But I love them both and glad I got to choose them both <3 LOL

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Totally off topic, but I just heard that Paul Walker died :(

Whoss thattttt

@Zoraluv- Your brother is always in a butt mood.
Totally off topic, but I just heard that Paul Walker died :(

JUST heard about that on the news. And I saw a pic of the accident. HOLY CRAP. o_O;;

Ahhh see thats what I thought! I told her to download the extended DLC so hopefully she gets it this time around. She has been very into Skyrim lately though XD

I've seen a few cutscenes I missed on youtube and glad I did SO I NEVER HAVE TO DO THEM MYSELF

But I love them both and glad I got to choose them both <3 LOL

Hopefully she'll be able to see it in person. Otherwise, there's always Youtube. XD

OMG!! I couldn't pick between them!! TALI'S MY HOME GIRL!!!! <3 C'mon! I named my cycling town and mayor after her and her homeworld!!! Happy I could save them both too!!
I just found out that Chrissy counterpart is Francine
Was just wondering do you want Francine or not :>
For Ucchi, my favs are Shari, Cherry, and Pashmina.
Especially Pashmina, my friend has her in his village, she is so gorgeous *-*
Agnes the uchi pig has moved in!


@Zoraluv- I started following villager trade so I get updates from them :)
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@pengu- AHHH I KNOW TALI IS AMAZING. I saw what happens if you choose legion over her and... SOB SOB oh god its so sad I cant even

@Lunie- Yep, I already have Francine. :D Just got her a few days ago.

@defigure- I like Muffy :D I never really met the other ones... but I like sheep <3

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hi again

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the tbt fair distracted me LOL

LOL yeah I saw you posting XD I looked at it and...

Well it looks like I won't be winning any tickets or prizes
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