Prize Pack Game Introduces New Collectible Series

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This is really neat! Can't wait for the new collectibles. :D
Yay! It came in the mail today! It is so cool!

tbt prize.jpg
I got my prize pack the same day as taesaek but wasn't able to post until now. Here are my card (here's hoping this works!) :

There are more photos in this album :


Thanks to all the staff who put the Fair and this bonus event together for us! This has all been awesome and wonderful to be a part of!!! :D

- - - Post Merge - - -

Gah! Silly me, should have checked if the image loaded in preview, oops.. I'll try loading the image again, saved from imgur this time (since directly + from my email both failed) :


Huzzah! Preview shows the image, yay! It's 4 - K, a gold nugget, just in case the photo still doesn't load for some reason.
We are done aren't we!
Post 143 3-H
Post 140 3-F
Post 106 3-C
Plus the three we have up!!! PAVEEE HERE WE COMEEEE!!!
On the other hand, when will Jack be here? I waited until !2 am EST to get him and hes not here. I waited another hour but if hes not there by 1 I am going to sleep. ZZzZZzzZ
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I'm posting this for ThePhil because he is not at home yet.
We just got the package :3 it was really cute!
Here's the piece we found:

Anyone else excited for the Jack Collectible? (I think it's still coming out tonight...)
Anyone else excited for the Jack Collectible? (I think it's still coming out tonight...)

I am beyond ready, I hope I just get one. Jack is my favorite, and imo the best, Holiday character in Animal Crossing.

- - - Post Merge - - -

P.S. I regret not buying one of these packages or trying to win one lol. They all look so fantastic.
Anyone else excited for the Jack Collectible? (I think it's still coming out tonight...)

I am! I'm hoping to get one. Let's hope it comes out tonight. :)
So I guess we'll see the villager and pave collectibles after the Halloween event right?
I mean, the second villager might be released since the at least 5 of 9 items requirement was reached, but the first is still 1 short, assuming LambdaDelta's counts as a fourth. I hope that other one gets posted because, if people were right about who the first one is (and it really looks like they are) I am really interested in buying it.
Enough pieces have been collected and the two characters have been correctly identified:

Lobo and Mint!


Good work to everyone who contributed a piece. We'll wait a little longer to see if any more are posted before we calculate the bonus bells to give out.

Pav?'s collectible will be available in the shop on November 7th.
Lobo and Mint's collectibles will be available in the shop on November 11th.
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