PSA: The new series 5 amiibo cards pre-order have started!!!

Also Nintendo has to know by now how much they are losing to scalpers too. I mean they print so few and charge 6 or so bucks a pack and then the scalpers buy them all and resell for $30 a pack at least. It's crazy. I get that nintendo doesn't want to lose money on over printing but they are losing money this way too. I think they should put up preorders well in advance and then they'd be able to make enough for those and some extra for the stores to put out. This would stop or at least severely cut back the scalpers and there would be enough to go around.

I don't know when at what point this changed, but in the early 90s as a teenager when we had preorders there wasn't limits; I'd walk into Toys R US pick up a barcode on a piece of paper, pay $5 or whatever and whenever the game came in I was guaranteed to get one, even if it were not on release day (but it almost always was). This type of preorder gave feedback on demand to the manufacturer, so they could ramp up for demand or whatever and reliably produce the product in sufficient quantity to satisfy preorders and regular orders on release day. I don't know why we moved away from this model.
I don't know when at what point this changed, but in the early 90s as a teenager when we had preorders there wasn't limits; I'd walk into Toys R US pick up a barcode on a piece of paper, pay $5 or whatever and wheYes never the game came in I was guaranteed to get one, even if it were not on release day (but it almost always was). This type of preorder gave feedback on demand to the manufacturer, so they could ramp up for demand or whatever and reliably produce the product in sufficient quantity to satisfy preorders and regular orders on release day. I don't know why we moved away from this model.
Yes this! This what they should do. Then they make all the money and we get what we want. Even if they still want to limit it to 2-3 packs a person at least we know we'll get that. Anytime I preordered a game it was gauranteed to be there on release day(never would I have thought they could be out of stock on preorders until this). I rememeber the $5 up front too and that's fine, I would pay the whole amount when I could anyway, But this crap now makes no sense. They lose money, we can't get the product(unless we pay scalper prices which i for one won't) and the scalpers are the ones whi profit. I don't get what nintendo is thinking on this unless they are working with at least some scalpers and getting a percentage. Only then does this train wreck come close to making sense. smh
I wish the series 1 - 4 would be printed up again. The sales of those in September appeared to be a one-off for Target. I wish I bought more of those cards.
Me too! I had no idea that they wouldn't be stocking them for a while. Now those listings are gone and I am thinking that the Series 5 might be gone soon too. I've been checking it daily just to see (I can't buy anymore) and I haven't seen cards available in several days. I had never bought or collected amiibo cards before I bought my first packs (those series 1-4 at Target) this past Sept. But I am hooked. And still need so many!
Me too! I had no idea that they wouldn't be stocking them for a while. Now those listings are gone and I am thinking that the Series 5 might be gone soon too. I've been checking it daily just to see (I can't buy anymore) and I haven't seen cards available in several days. I had never bought or collected amiibo cards before I bought my first packs (those series 1-4 at Target) this past Sept. But I am hooked. And still need so many!
We are in the exact same boat. I already traded off all my S1-4 duplicates for S1-4 cards I needed. I only have roughly 50% of each series and 100% series 5. Not many people holding cards in S1-4 want any S5 cards if they were able to get them themselves. If S5 cools down from sales awhile maybe some original collectors that missed S5 release will be more willing to trade for some of my dupes of S5 (wishful thinking)
We are in the exact same boat. I already traded off all my S1-4 duplicates for S1-4 cards I needed. I only have roughly 50% of each series and 100% series 5. Not many people holding cards in S1-4 want any S5 cards if they were able to get them themselves. If S5 cools down from sales awhile maybe some original collectors that missed S5 release will be more willing to trade for some of my dupes of S5 (wishful thinking)
I was hoping for that too! I did sell some of my S5 dupes to try and make a little back to then use to buy a few cards I really wanted on ebay. But I still have so many S5 villaegrs left that currently no one in the groups I am in want to buy (since most were able to get their own). Ideally I'd like all the villager cards for all the series eventually. And one of each NPC. Isabelle has 7 cards, I think, and I don't feel like I need them all right now. Unless I go hardcore into collector mode. But I do want all the villagers.
After a month of waiting on usps, my last trade (419 Wisp) finally showed up today, and now my series 5 set is finally complete. Not sure what I'll do with all the dupes now, but maybe later on I'll trade them for something else.
After a month of waiting on usps, my last trade (419 Wisp) finally showed up today, and now my series 5 set is finally complete. Not sure what I'll do with all the dupes now, but maybe later on I'll trade them for something else.
I’ve had an issue with USPS too. One of my trades arrives to them a month later and another still hasn’t arrived after a while. I’m mailing their card back and stopping trading for a bit.
My sister bought a bunch of the series 5 packs off of ebay not long ago and let me go through her extras. I ended up getting pretty much every character, save for the special NPCs. Saves me the trouble of trying to hunt down the ones for Reneigh and Ione, so I'm grateful for that.
*me just getting fan made amiibo cards that work just as fine off etsy*
SAME. I have a big folder of ones I've bought from various fans. I know it's not legit, but it works perfectly and it's leagues cheaper to make your own. Nintendo has to kind of expect this when they make it so hard to get ahold of the real ones despite them being so easy to make.
SAME. I have a big folder of ones I've bought from various fans. I know it's not legit, but it works perfectly and it's leagues cheaper to make your own. Nintendo has to kind of expect this when they make it so hard to get ahold of the real ones despite them being so easy to make.
In my experience, if price is a factor, fanmade cards are sometimes more expensive than retail, especially if you're in the US. This stops being true after the cards are no longer printed, but while they're in production you're better off getting real cards if/when you find them. This is just my experience, but in the years that I've been collecting amiibo cards, The price ranges from cheaper to more expensive typically go like this:

homemade(aka: you personally make them yourself for your own use. The cheapest option)

retail + trading/selling (aka: buy a few packs at retail, trade for the rest online, sell what you don't need/want to get some money back)

fan made, with cards not produced anymore(at this point, once the cards are out of production, authentic cards become way more expensive. This is where fan made is the better option)

fan made, with cards still in production(Most fan made cards are at least $2-3 dollars per card, while retail is $1 per card. So a pack of 6 will cost you $6+tax at retail flat, but usually runs $12-15 for fan made)

retail only, no trading(The closer you get to having a certain number of cards--almost about half, I think--the closer this gets to gambling. So on average, you'll start sinking more money than the cards you gain if you're trying to complete a set)

In my case with series 5, I finished 48 cards within 30 bought packs total, by retail + selling/trading, which isn't that bad, money speaking. Consider that the best case scenario for finishing with just retail would have been 24 packs total, statistically improbable thanks to dupes.
I’ve had an issue with USPS too. One of my trades arrives to them a month later and another still hasn’t arrived after a while. I’m mailing their card back and stopping trading for a bit.
Yeah, it sucks tbh. Did you get tracking? If you did, open a missing mail inquiry on the package. After I did that my missing card was sent along within a week.
Yeah, it sucks tbh. Did you get tracking? If you did, open a missing mail inquiry on the package. After I did that my missing card was sent along within a week.
I didn’t. I’m gonna send the card they sent me back with tracking this time though.I’m sure it’ll come eventually but it’s been taking so long.
I’ve had an issue with USPS too. One of my trades arrives to them a month later and another still hasn’t arrived after a while. I’m mailing their card back and stopping trading for a bit.
Yeah one of my trades has not arrived after over 3 weeks. They got my card but I haven’t gotten theirs yet. I am hoping it’s just late.
I did go and buy a fan made version though in case it doesn’t because I have no cards left to trade and I really wanted this NPC for HHP.
A FB group I am in had several people reporting seeing Series 1-5 back in Target stores the last day or so!! I asked at mine this morning and they said they were suppose to get them in yesterday but did not. They might by tomorrow.
I can't track down any links for online ordering yet. If anyone manages to find them maybe they could share?
I checked online and mine only has series 5 for pick up only. I hope they get the other series as well because I still need more of those.
Also I started a new thread about this since this one is old, long, and was only about series 5.
