Quantity of Amiibo Cards?

Yes very true, I think they just need to stick with being Store Exclusive over in North America... If they were eBay exclusive... A lot of collectors would miss out on camping outside GameStop to get them as you cannot camp out of eBay.com... It is not possible.

Haha... I can't tell if you guys are being serious or not...

Either way, they're definitely going to be region exclusives... Game Stop, 7-11 and Game UK I expect xD
It's going to be "waves" again. Remember in 2002 when they began selling e-reader cards? They were series, which is essentially the same as amiibo waves where certain ones are released at certain times. I just hope they're not random again, I bought over 200 packs between 2002 and 2005 and still never completed the set, I got like 40 of the same ones!! I HATED THAT!!!