
I'm an introvert myself, but I miss going out to places at my own leisure without the fear of coming back home and possibly getting my whole family contaminated with the coronavirus. Staying indoors and going out only when necessary is somewhat stressful, but you get used to it if you find a good distraction. Play a game you haven't tried yet, read a book, study a new language, watch a movie or series. I feel most sorry for those who have to work throughout this pandemic because they work in an essential job or have to pay bills or anyone who's been layed off now worrying if they'll be able to afford a roof over their heads. I can only hope this situation gets better, but I'm very doubtful that'll happen anytime soon. :(
its going ok! college is kinda weird online, trying to still get use to it. however, most of my classes are going really well. the only issue is that all of my family is home and still working/at school so we are all over each other in terms of not having enough private spaces to all do our own work.
Quarantine is okay and doesn't affect me too heavily as I'm someone who is mostly introverted, but not being able to leave my house to walk around in stores and stuff has lead me to become extremely lazy. I should be doing stuff for my classes (not a lot of things tbh) but I have been in a really sluggish mood to do anything. It also doesn't help that I have been spending time playing ACNH as well.
There are some things I miss being able to do, but social distancing is not the worst thing in the world.

At least now I'm a good citizen saving lives by making sacrifices to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in my community instead of a guy spending too much time on a computer and playing video games.
Colleges have been moved online and as a college student who decided to move to online schooling a year ago, I actually prefer it more than actually at college. You get to set your own schedule each day as teachers generally post their lecture videos and you're free to watch them whenever you have the time to. All HW is always due at the end of each week which makes things simple. Of course there are trade offs, not being able to make/see friends, and some people may have trouble learning through a screen. But I personally really enjoy it, well... my universities online system at least.
Eh, I don’t really care either way. I’m an ambivert so I enjoy both being around other people and my alone time. The only difference now is that my alone time has increased because I can’t go anywhere because of the virus. Unrelated, but the only thing that bothers me about all of this is that the job market is terrible right now.

At least now I'm a good citizen saving lives by making sacrifices to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in my community instead of a guy spending too much time on a computer and playing video games.

Not sure what this is supposed to mean.
I'm doing better since New Horizons came out, but still going crazy. I'd like to be able to go back to work, but can't. (I drive a school van and schools are shut down. Nobody knows when they'll be open again)
Honestly I'm having no problems with quarantine/self-isolation so far, but honestly I never really go out anyways so there's not much of a difference. The only thing that's really changed for me is my uni classes are now online, but honestly I think I kind of prefer them to be online because I'm so shy in class and I now feel way more confident contributing to the discussions.

Also I get to play a ton of video games and spend more time with my dog and guinea pig, which is always a plus. I even get to take my dog on longer daily walks, which he really loves! The only downside is everyone else on my street is also walking their dogs and my poor dog is terrified of other dogs :/
The quarantine is really only impacting my work because I have to work from home now, which is doable but inconvenient. I feel less productive at home because there are too many distractions and I don't have a good set-up for working effectively.

Personally, I have felt little to no impact outside of my job because I'm an introvert and stay at home whenever I don't have to go out anyway. So I'm still going out for food and other necessities, but that's it, just like normal for me.
I mean staying at home is whatever I suppose.
Ultimately, I'm not happy about it because it affects my program and essentially means I will have to graduate later due to the setbacks from quarantine. But it is what it is. Just hope things get better soon.
Idk, as an introvert that is addicted to video games, this is a dream come true. Besides for the threat of impending doom outside my window lurching closer everyday.
It’s hard for me. I don’t go out a lot... but Stills I’m feeling weird.
Work from home everyday it’s not fun and I’m glad I have video games and Netflix to spend my free time...
about to leave the house to meet people outside of my immediate family for the first time in a week for work. i'm climbing on the walls not being supposed to go anywhere, especially with both my mom and dad home at the moment, my dad will work from home until late april. i have been for a lack of better words suspended but in a nice way (laid off but not fired??? idk it's permitterad in swedish) so i work less than i normally would while still getting paid, parts from the government. it's nice i guess but i would prefer to actually work and get out of the house, besides i'm doing training to become a manager at work and it will take way longer when i work once a week so uh. annoying.

i really hope this is over soon enough but that might be a little too hopeful.
quarantine is no different than my daily life, i am used to spending every day at home with nowhere to go. i don't get bored or go stir-crazy but now my mom is home and she's thankfully not gone stir-crazy yet
It's a little weird at the moment but sleeping in and doing whatever has been nice!
Ive been eating rice and beans for every meal and playing animal crossing an average of 17 hours a day
Honestly, crazy busy. Since classes are online now, we have a lot of group projects and assignments. My group just spent over 40h this week on our projects x-x I also work in health care and usually work 24h a week.