Quick question abt turnips & time travel


Team Bulbasaur
Nov 15, 2015
Yellow Candy
New Horizons Token
Spring Sakura
Tasty Cake
White Violet
I had a turnip price of 609 this afternoon. I wanted to keep this price a bit longer fee for friends to sell so I traveled back a few hours- from 8 pm to 1pm.
However my price chahged urgh.
I thought traveling back was ok as long as you stay on the same day and keep your morning price/ afternoon price. So I’m confused, did that change? And we can’t go back a few hrs anymore to keep the price? Or did I do something wrong?
Ahhh man... so if I read correctly you can’t keep the price unnaturally long anymore at all?
That’s so weird because I remember people hosting for like almost a day lol.
Yeah, if it was before the April update, according to the link it may have been possible.
Honestly, though, I don't TT or follow turnip prices, and just took what I got from a quick search. Could be that there is some way that it's possible, but from what you described, I at least can't see any obvious reason why it wouldn't have worked otherwise.