The designs I've already made and posted are free to scan and wear! :3 The pricing in the first post is for people who want me to create and post a custom design just for them. So you don't owe me anything!! Enjoy! :3
Hello, I have two dresses I would love for you to make for my Mayor. I'll pay double your commission price for each but don't worry about getting them done any time soon. I'm going to restart soon, and my cycling town will hold all my bells while I am doing so. Should I PM you with the dresses or post them here?
just a friendly reminder that when you place an order here, you are on the back burner to my real life. if you would like your order to take priority then adjust your offer accordingly and make it worth my time. if your order is only worth 2 mil to you then i'm assuming you're willing to wait until i have the free time to get around to it!! xx
Well if you didn't ignore my PM's so much I would've obviously offered a higher amount, These 999,999,999 bells of mine aren't going to spend themselves if I'm not gonna know whats going on ._.
my dear i just run an etsy as well as a qr shop so most of my freetime is spent on a deadline to make actual stuff d: i don't want you to feel as if i've ignored you, i did try and update you when i could but this shop just hasn't been a priority tbh. out of all the things i could spend my time doing this is by far the most tedious and time consuming as well as the least profitable - when i do feel like coming on here i normally have far more orders on my chibi shop, each offering far more bells and they take, like, literally 1/100th of the time to get done. i don't want it to seem as if i don't care, i know you were excited to place your order and i love to be able to hook people up with their dream designs, but after i've been working my arse off picking apart individual pixels for 3 hours and i've only made what comes out to like 200k i'm not inclined to push myself into migraine territory (tbh could just spend like literally 30 minutes on the island, just imagine my position i mean really)
but anyway i've still got it saved so if you were to adjust your offer it would put you back in the first slot (and make the work i've already put into it worthwhile lmaooooooooO) still gotta put it through a stress test tho and mess with the fur texture a bit more. i'm working on a portrait render for a friend's birthday right now but it's... getting there. i'm about 3/4 of the way finished with it but it's taken ages so far.
As I said, I have nearly 10 billion so I could obviously offer along the lines of 10 Million as a starting amount.
I just feel bad I got moody, I tend to get that way if I don't get an update after awhile x_x
oh no don't feel bad i understand how you would get upset after i've told you it's almost finished and then gone missing for like a week d: tbh i really don't like asking for specific amounts, that's why i had the minimum set so low in the first place (also why i only do auctions for villagers lol) so let me know what you want to part with for it :3 xx
hey guys, i'm so sorry for the super long hiatus and to all the ables requests that have been looked over :x i'm super happy to bring any of the designs shown here to anyone's ables for display, just send me a pm!! ^^ xo