Rate Your Five Senses from Best to Worst

Best Sense?

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I'd say my Touch is sensitive enough so I'd currently rank that at the top. Mostly because the other top contenders are hard to rank?

I guess I would rank Smell second? I'm not out here with the scent-following abilities of a dog or anything but it seems fine enough?

I would rank Taste middle of the road in third place. I think my sense of Taste is fine, functional enough, but I don't think I have the palate some professionals seem to have to be able to pick up on really minute differences.

I would rank my Hearing fourth. It used to be better but I've used headphones too much in my life and have noticed a decline.

I would say my Sight is now my worst sense. I used to have 20/15, above average sight, but it has slipped over the years. I probably need to get glasses in the future but I'm doing well enough without them for now. My Sight miiiight be better than my Hearing as of right now and their ranks could be swapped, but eh, it's easier to distinguish the decline in quality with my Sight from what it used to be.
Oooof all my senses are bad :D

1. Touch : I?m very crafty and always making things with my hands. I like refurbishing furniture, fixing things.
2. Sound: I work at a lelesales company selling stuff...I guess I kinda need good hearing for the job since I?m on the phone.
3. Smell: my smell is pretty good.
4. Taste : I feel like nothing tastes like anything anymore and have to always be adding salt or spices.
5. Sight : blind as a bat...I use glasses and contacts.
smell is probably best for me. i pick up on smells a lot of people dont. thats not really a good thing because theyre not good smells.

my taste can be quite strong too. second best.

my nerves are okay and normal so id say touch is in the middle.

sometimes i have trouble with my sight but its probably fine.

ears are kind of bad but also not because theyre hypersensitive but i have tinnitus and ive lost a bit of hearing on one side. so that makes it the worst i guess
Oof, what IS my best sense? Err, probably smell. I can usually tell what's for dinner by smell.

Next is touch, taste, hearing and dead last is sight. I have pretttty bad eyesight, I super need glasses to function most of the time, like making my lunch, going on the computer or playing video games on my TV. Using my phone or Nintendo I actually need to take my glasses off cause I put them so close to my face. I'm surprised I'm not legally blind yet, my vision is so bad.
Smell> Sight > Touch > Taste > Hearing

1. Smell - I think smell is my best. My sense of smell is quite over-sensitive, as even the faintest of bad smells make me gag lol. I think I can pick up on some smells that most people can't. Luckily it shuts itself off while I'm work otherwise I think I'd be gagging all the time lol.

2. Sight - My sight is pretty much 20/20, I can see pretty long distances, I can see fine short distance and don't need glasses or contacts. Everyone else in my family has bad eyesight, so I'm surprised mine is fine. The only time my eyesight acts up is when I'm tired and makes it hard to focus, but otherwise it's pretty good.

3. Touch - Pretty middle range really. Definitely isn't overly sensitive. It isn't really one I take much notice of I guess.

4. Taste - Once again, definitely not overly sensitive as I eat pretty much anything lol. Tied with tough basically.

5. Hearing - I feel hearing it my worst as I really suck at hearing what people say. Or perhaps I'm just a bad listener. I also have tinnitus so sometimes that interferes with my hearing. Probably wearing headphones a lot doesn't help either oops.
smell> hearing> sight> touch> taste

i voted for hearing but honestly its probably smell, i smell heaps of things other people dont

hearing next, maybe i have really sensitive ears but the volume everyone else has on everything is way too loud for me

sight next, my sight is pretty good i reckon, compared to others around me

touch i guess im a sensitive person regarding touch, wouldnt vote this one as bad honestly

taste last and i dont really know why lol. these last two arent really ones i think about much
I don't even know if I can do this. I have Sensory Processing Disorder and all of my senses are extremely hypersensitive. I picked hearing as my best because I have misophonia too and am the most aware of sound at all times. I cringe and feel pain because of noises nobody else can hear, it really sucks.

But then again... smells nobody can smell make me puke or give me a headache. Bright lights blind me and I see rainbow fractals around them. Touching certain things will give me a burning or gross sensation. Taste is okay. I like bland food and am not very adventurous when it comes to trying flavorful food, so that's easy to control.

sound>smell>sight>touch>taste, maybe? They're all pretty close.

- - - Post Merge - - -

5. Hearing - I feel hearing it my worst as I really suck at hearing what people say. Or perhaps I'm just a bad listener. I also have tinnitus so sometimes that interferes with my hearing. Probably wearing headphones a lot doesn't help either oops.

My hearing is ridiculously good and I have this issue often. It's hard to hear people talk when you hear everything else at full volume.
1. The first would be Touch or taste, hard to choose. For the vote I chose touch. It's not that I'm super crafty but I can recognize things by touching often, like kind of flour, kind of fabric. Also vibrations, because I'm not good with sound.

2. Taste then, not enough to be sommelier, but if someone put a tiny bit of salt in my rice I will know.

3. Smell. I'm ok, but the thing is that I smell phantom odors, like fire or petrol often.

4. Sight. Can't see too far, can't see too close. hard time with contrast and distance too but super good with colors.

5. Hearing. Partly deaf since a little kid. Strangely enough it got better with the time. I can't hear high frequencies but who wants to hear that anyway? So my cats can play with their ringing toys as much as they want, I can't hear those. I can't hear some phones (but I hate phones) or alarm. I didn't even know about most of animal crossing sounds! First, I played without sound for months...(old habit) before someone told me it was easier to fish sharks with sound...Later I played with studio earphones and it was like a NEW WORLD... No need to tell you that catching a mole cricket was super hard because I couldn't hear it. Sometimes, even if I can't hear it, I know there is a noise because I can feel the vibrations....so touch is my best I suppose ;).
From best to worst.

1. Eyesight. My eyesight is 20/10 (What a normal person can see from 10 feet away, I can see from 20 feet away). I feel very fortunate to be able to have this eyesight. I am also the only one in my family without glasses.

2. Taste. I assume my taste is high up on this list because I am the pickiest person when it comes to food. I don?t like condiments and I get my sandwiches plain. I don?t eat any generic or store brand, and I only eat certain good brands.

3. Hearing. Maybe I am being generous? My hearing isn?t the best, but it?s not the worst. I guess I had to give up something for my more than perfect eyesight.

4. Touch. There?s not much to say about this. I can recognize certain things by touching.

5. Smell. It takes me a while to pick up on scents. If I hear someone say something smells bad, it takes me a bit to pick up on it.
Touch → Hearing → Taste → Smell → Sight

1. I wish my touch sense was weaker
2. My hearing is really good
3. My tastebuds are probably like everyone elses, lol
4. Honestly not sure where to place this
5. This is last.. you know.. contact lenses ^^'
My eyesight is pretty much completely fine, so I'd say that's my best.

After that, I'd say taste, I'm not a super taster or anything but I have a good sense of taste, I'd say.

Next is hearing, my sense of hearing is pretty much perfectly fine but due to my sensory issues, I'm a little over sensitive to sounds.

Next is smell, which is easily my weakest sense, I am not good at smelling things at all.

Lastly is touch, which I'm very oversensitive to- most forms of touch are uncomfortable or even painful to me, only a few actually feel good or even neutral. Some people might think I should have put this above smell because of oversensitivity potentially being considered better by some than undersensitivity, but I beg to differ.
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I guess I'd go Touch > Hearing > Taste > Smell > sight

I can feel my way around in the dark perfectly fine, and I can almost always know what I'm touching even if I can't see it (usually when I need to grab something out of a bag, I just move my hand around a bit until I feel it, I'm too lazy to take everything out and actually look for it :lemon:).

Hearing still works just fine, and I can hear most high frequencies still.

Taste... idk what to say about it really.

Smell isn't something I usually notice. If I make an effort into smelling something I'll probably notice it, but if I don't try to smell then I don't really notice anything with it.

My eyes are HORRID. Without my glasses, I can see up close just fine. But if I stretch my arm out in front of me, anything past my hand I can't see at all. I also have blue eyes so being outside without sunglasses is kinda torture. And on top of all of that I have prosopagnosia as well so yaaay.
Not even sure how to rate them because they're all terrible. All I know is sight is the worst, my eyesight is god awful and has just gotten worse over the years. I wear glasses all the time when I'm outside and if I take them off for a second it always surprises me how bad it is. I can't read anything that's more than an arm's reach away from me because it's too blurry.
Smell > Sound > Touch > Taste > Sight

I've always had an amazing sense of smell and could pinpoint ingredients in a recipe by scent. I used to be able to tell how much milk was in a coffee, but different brands have different smells so it's harder now if Idk the brand.

I've always been able to hear very well, not that it reflects in how much i listen to teachers....

I'm super tactile it's annoying

I'm not sure how to compare relative taste, but I taste certain foods stronger and some less

I'm also freakin' blind. Take off my glasses and I can see about 3 feet in front of me.
Mine would be:

- Sound
- Smell
- Taste
- Touch
- Sight

I can hear things from super far away! When I go on my daily jogs I could hear the faintest noise. However, my sight... it's truly the worst. I actually need two lenses per eye! My vision started declining back when I was in middle school. Our school gave us laptops to take home and we constantly used them in class and outside of them! Eventually I began to play games super late at night.

R.I.P. my beautiful eyes!
Hearing - I can hear rlly good. I hate it because I?m a light sleeper but I would rate it my best out of the 5 senses because I can hear rlly good.

Taste- I would say this is second for me because I can notice small details in things I eat if they taste different or things I don?t like.

Smell - this was close to taste it was hard for me to choose. I can smell things rlly well sometimes even if others can?t.

Sight- thisnis forth because I can see but my eyes get blurry sometimes. Doctors always say my eyes r fine though.

Touch- this would be last because if I close my eyes and someone told me to hold something and guess what it is I probably would not get this right all the time.
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