Raycre Village 2: The Fog Has Cleared (Roleplay)

I chill the apple and take a bite.
"Y'know, we should eat something that isn't... apples, for once." I recommend. "I think we should find some other fruit in the forest and grow an orchard back in town."
"Good idea...maybe some peaches?" I suggest. I put the core back in my pocket so I can compost it when we get back. I put my hands behind me.
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"Oh, peaches are great!" I exclaim. Suddenly, my ears start ringing and my head starts pounding. My vision becomes blurry. "Cay... Cay... Could you... splash some water... on, my face?" I ask, breaking a cold sweat.
"Okay." I say, noticing his obvious discomfort. I cup my hands, and get some water, then splash it on his face.
I hope it helps...
I start to twitch.
"I've... An idea." I say, gasping for air. "Try, to heat up the water, that... might... do it."
I nod quickly, and go over to a small rock pool. It has water in it that is heated up from the warmth of the rock. I take a huge handful, and go back, then splash it on Aion's face.
I fall back. The water felt nice. My vision returned to normal, and my headache went away.
"Thank you!" I said, suddenly hugging Caylin.
"I feel as if the insanity is getting worse. If I do anything that... That hurts people, I want them to know that I'm sorry." I say quietly, looking down.
"I guess, but I've no idea how long it can last before the insanity is too powerful."
I scoot forward a bit to see a bug on the water, and my hand slips. "Eeeeaa!" I cry, and fall into the water.
I surface, and start to flail about.
"I...hate...swimming!" I cry, and cough up some water.