Raycre Village 2: The Fog Has Cleared (Roleplay)

Taylor followed the boy who made the noise upstairs, and when he reached the top, Taylor saw others. Scared, he said, "Sorry. Am I intruding? I was just exploring." Taylor said, not wanting them to know he ran away.
Her hand went up to her mouth. "I'm s-sorry, I didn't know..." She said quietly. She wasn't sure what to think, but a gust of wind came through a smashed window, and knocked her hat off of her head. "Aaaa!" She cried, and tried desperately to cover up her cat ears with her hands. She snatched up her beret and crammed it back on her head.
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"Are you ok?" Taylor asked, knowing how it felt to have to keep a secret. After all, he was a werewolf, which is why he ran away.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(It says because I am a new member I cant unless I post 3 more times FACEPALM)
(Go bump a few random auctions and giveaways in the villager trading plaza.)
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As Hydrala stood in the corner of the upstairs room, a gust of wind came through that knocked off the other girl's hat. For a brief second, she saw what looked like cat ears. Ears? She looks human though, She thought to herself, keeping her expression the same so that it didn't look like she noticed.
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Name: Kaori
Age: 15
Creature: Half Vampire (is this ok? if not I will change!)
Occupation: High School Student
Town you originally came from: Japan- Tokyo
Heir Or Not: Nope
Personality: Bubbly, happy and extremely hyper active.
Picture: (http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb.../8b/Yui-angel-beats-yui-16988484-1280-720.jpg Looks like Yui from angel beats.:3)
Crush: ...no one at the moment really...
Clothing: Dark colours, but loves to add the colour pink when she can.
Usual First Impression: "CALM DOWN!"

- - - Post Merge - - -

She had just got here, and she already had managed to let her secret out? Caylin ran to another house, and sat down on a charred couch.
"Well... let's give her some time alone. What's your name? Mine is Taylor." I ask, directing it to the other girl in the room.
"U-um, I'm Hydrala," She says quietly. He seems to be a nice person, can I trust him?
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I stumble over to the others, hoping I hadn't missed much. "I'm Kaori!" I say excitedly with a wave and a smile. (may have joined a little late imagine I was nearby or something)
She takes off her hat and runs her hands over her pure white cat ears. They were whiter then her hair, so they stood out. Her bushy tail pokes out from her dress, and she sighs.
Why did that horrid witch have to curse her?
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Walking downstairs, I soon saw someone else, who had promptly introduced herself as Kaori. "Um, hi, I'm Hydrala," I reply shyly.
I smile as Hydrala greets me and introduces herself. Looking over at Caylin's cat ears. "They are sooooo cute!" I giggle hoping not to offended her. My fangs were the OPPOSITE of cute, so I refuse to show anyone them, being a half vampire and all.

(I think she's in a different building?)
"Um, May I ask why you are here?" I ask, forcing myself to try to be friends with someone rather than just shying away.