Raycre Village 2: The Fog Has Cleared (Roleplay)

I take the necklace, and put it in my pocket. "What does that say?"
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"The cure is here, but you must experience it before." I read slowly. "What could that mean?" I think aloud. Suddenly, I get my most painful headache yet. I drop onto my knees, a horrified expression on my face.
"Cay-Caylin! Get--away fro--frommememe!" I stutter, my entire body twitching.
My eyes grow wide. "O-okay.." I say, and run out of the chamber, shutting the icy door behind me.
I hallucinate. My entire body hurts. I get up slowly, and run to the door.
"I'm going to kill you for this!" I bark. I slam on the door. "You did this to me! It was YOU wasn't it?" I scream. I manage to punch out some bricks.
I start to tremble. He's just hallucinating. Just hallucinating.
I run farther back, and take shelter behind a rock that I am slim enough to squeeze behind.
"Don't hide from me!" I yell. I run over to the rock she is hiding behind. I punch it.
"I'm going to kill you!" The rock cracks a bit, but I can't break it.
I punch a hole through the rock that I am able to crawl through. I see Caylin, shivering, and I tackle her.
I fall backwards, temporarily stunned. Then I kick him, and break free, running outside of the temple.
I stumble back and fall into the wall. Pieces of the ceiling fall down. Boulders create a protective prison around me, before one lands on my legs. I scream in agony. I blast ice and snow everywhere; the walls and floor are pure white. I look through the thick blizzard I created in the room, but I can't find Caylin.
"I'm going to find you!" I yell coming up the stairs.
I run as fast as I can, stopping as I reach the top of the outside temple. Tears had been streaming down my face, and I didn't realize it.
I leave the temple, and look around, breathing heavily. An ice blade forms in my left hand.
"Come out..." I say slowly. I chop a bush off of it's roots. I turn around, and notice Caylin.
I slowly walk to her. I smile, a tear running down my face.
"I'm going to kill you for this." I repeat. I form ice around her feet.
Suddenly, my temper flares. "For what? For being your friend? For helping you, and believing in you?"
My face turns from grim to sad as I walk closer.
"No, for making me like this, witch." I say, throwing her onto the ground. I jump on top of her, and put the blade against her neck.
"I'm so happy to finally do this."
My cat ears droop. "I'm sorry that it has to end this way." I bite his hand, and roll out of the way.
I grabbed my hand, and recoiled in pain. I throw the blade, and it nearly hits her foot. It gets stuck in the dirt. I crawl over to it, but I can't do it.