Reached 100,000 Nook Miles and I have no idea what to do with them


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2014
So I reached 100K Nook Miles today which might seem like a cool milestone but it kind of highlights an issue that I’ve been dreading for a little while: after the first, like, month or so, Nook Miles are essentially worthless.

I’ve already bought all the DIYs I could and all the furniture that interested me and even a bunch that didn’t really interest me. I could buy a bunch of Nook Mile Tickets to use as currency here but, thanks to the duplication glitch, they’re not even worth that much anymore, at least until Nintendo patches that. I could also buy a bunch of Bell vouchers but, considering the amount each one gives, that‘s not really so helpful at all. Besides, I’ve already made like 30 million Bells using the stalk market, a much faster and much more reliable way to get Bells.

I feel like, with Harv’s RV campsite and the MEOW Coupons in New Leaf, there at least was a steady flow of cool new items that he had for sale and which could be bought using the MEOW coupons. Here, though? There’s some merch, to be sure, but it never changes and it’s not that interesting either, which is pretty disappointing. I feel like Nintendo should maybe add, like, a color-variation furniture set to be purchased using Nook Miles or something because, otherwise, it’s just a meaningless number at the top of my screen. What do you guys do about this issue?
How is the stalk market more reliable to make bells than the bells coupons? Faster I can agree, but more reliable?

I'm personally sitting on like 70k at the moment? Keeping them for my next island hopping session, or to get bells as I don't play the stalk market that much.
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Just do a NMT/Bells coupons giveaway if you have absolutely no idea how to put them to good use, I'm sure that'll make people happy!

But fundamentally I agree, comes one point in the game when the miles aren't THAT useful anymore.
I believe the latest update 1.2.1 b has patched the duplication glitches 2x1/1x1 table dupe & the mailbox dupe.

So I guess you could exchange those hefty miles for NMTs and maybe do a giveaway for those who are still looking for their desired villagers.
How is the stalk market more reliable to make bells than the bells coupons? Faster I can agree, but more reliable?

I'm personally sitting on like 70k at the moment? Keeping them for my next island hopping session, or to get bells as I don't play the stalk market that much.
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Just do a NMT/Bells coupons giveaway if you have absolutely no idea how to put them to good use, I'm sure that'll make people happy!

But fundamentally I agree, comes one point in the game when the miles aren't THAT useful anymore.

Getting rich with the stalk market is easy if you’ve got a friend in another country and a loooot of time on your hands.

And doing a giveaway does sound fun but if I’m not that interested myself in having NMTs or Bell vouchers, I’m similarly not sure how fun it might be for others to get them, even for free :/
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I believe the latest update 1.2.1 b has patched the duplication glitches 2x1/1x1 table dupe & the mailbox dupe.

So I guess you could exchange those hefty miles for NMTs and maybe do a giveaway for those who are still looking for their desired villagers.

I know the 2x1 dupe has been patched, but has the 1x1 been patched as well? That would change things a bit but I thought I read that it hadn’t been patched :/
I'm also sitting on 100k (and I reached this before because I was, and I mean this sincerely, addicted against my will to the Nook Miles+ loop - it distracted me from what I was doing and I had to cut myself off at 100k). I hope they add more Nook Miles furniture soon. I do still trade in NMT (there are definitely communities with relatively intact economies), but I have nearly everything I want... I have amiibos, and my partner got all the villagers they were interested in... I might just give some away at some point, since there are some people who still want villagers.

Yeah, I agree with your assessment when comparing them to the MEOW coupons. Since there are so many alternative colourways, I think it wouldn't hurt the game at all to give us access to a few for miles. Redd can only bring so many. I like your suggestion there.

I guess it means you can essentially ignore the Miles+ tasks, which is a relief personally. I still enjoy getting a chunk of thousands of miles at once and some passport titles for achievements, it's nice to know I accomplished something too and big numbers are big numbers.

I do think it's likely they add more stuff in the future, but that's the 'someday' caveat that applies to all content in this game, unfortunately. By then, you'd probably have another 100k.

Maybe they could add multiplayer minigames back (please do this regardless, I miss my lag diving) and involve miles in that somehow? I dunno. I don't think people would like that either compared to medals, since some people are still hunting for Raymond and Judy.
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I'm just hoarding mine. I will eventually run out of gold and need to spend time farming it on islands.
I know the 2x1 dupe has been patched, but has the 1x1 been patched as well? That would change things a bit but I thought I read that it hadn’t been patched :/

Some users on Reddit have verified that the available duping methods (both table and mail) have been fixed.
Some users on Reddit have verified that the available duping methods (both table and mail) have been fixed.

Oh, that’s actually great news, then. I guess I can buy A crap-ton of NMTs with the miles then, at least XD
I am reaching that milestone soon. Considering that I don't time travel, the rate of my villagers asking to move is far too low. I will make sure to maximise my island hopping and also shopping for villagers when that day comes.
I am reaching that milestone soon. Considering that I don't time travel, the rate of my villagers asking to move is far too low. I will make sure to maximise my island hopping and also shopping for villagers when that day comes.

I also wanted to do that but, honestly, I’ve only had... unfortunate experiences with shopping for villagers. Three times in a row, I’d get an empty spot so I could finally do some villagers-hunting on Mystery Tours only for either a rando to move in or for me to pick up a stray from someone’s void after visiting their island for Celeste or shooting stars or a DIY or something.

Thankfully, I have all but two of my Dreamies right now so that shouldn’t be a huuuuge issue...
I just thought about the same thing a few minutes ago when I hit 50.000. I guess I will save up for NMT if I'd want to go island hopping on the near future. The villagers I want out won't budge though, so it might take a few weeks until I spend those miles.
I just thought about the same thing a few minutes ago when I hit 50.000. I guess I will save up for NMT if I'd want to go island hopping on the near future. The villagers I want out won't budge though, so it might take a few weeks until I spend those miles.

If there was a ‘Force X Villagers Off the Island’ item for sale at the Nook Terminal for 100,000 Nook Miles, I would buy the crap out of it.
I also wanted to do that but, honestly, I’ve only had... unfortunate experiences with shopping for villagers. Three times in a row, I’d get an empty spot so I could finally do some villagers-hunting on Mystery Tours only for either a rando to move in or for me to pick up a stray from someone’s void after visiting their island for Celeste or shooting stars or a DIY or something.

Thankfully, I have all but two of my Dreamies right now so that shouldn’t be a huuuuge issue...

Our experiences are similar. We only have a day to decide who gets that empty plot. Let's try our best with what we have for now. Hopefully, we can snag one of our dream villagers.
i'm sitting at 150k right now and accumulating more because completing the + goals is largely the only thing i have to do if i want to keep playing beyond my daily routine. obviously i could spend them on mystery island hopping to find new villagers but my current ones ask to move out so infrequently and the inability to mass exchange points for tickets really puts me off the idea. i'm one of those people who gets bored restless if i have to sit there mashing through the same tedious process fifty times to get some tickets -- especially given that you have to pay attention to some extent to avoid exiting out of the entire thing.
I've bought pretty much everything I want with miles, but I still have my final loan to pay off, so once I get to 30K or so, I'll trade in 20K for bells and put it on my loan (or buy that pricey item in the shop). Not sure what I'll do once that's paid, but I'll likely want to go island hopping, if only to get resources. Seems I always need more wood and iron nuggets.
big same. I think next time one of my villagers asks to move I'll cash them in and go island hopping. I'm not looking for anyone in particular but maybe I'll find a new dreamie?
I have 230,000 nook miles. However, I haven't redeemed many of them for diy recipes and exclusive furniture yet. There's something satisfying seeing that huge number, so I'm probably gonna hoard some more.
I've basically bought nothing with my nook miles so I have 200k at the moment
I don't know if it's just me but I enjoy admiring them lol. I begrudge buying stuff with them

If you're looking to spend them though, you could buy the furniture items there and trade/sell them with other people. thats pretty much it tho, everything else dummy crap. not to mention how painful redeeming large amounts of nmts is