Recent Loading Issues

Yesterday, it took me over one hour (!) till I was able to read and answer a PM I got. The page didn't
wanted to load, I got a few times those error messages. Today wasn't much better, took me now a
while till I was able again to log in. I just hope it will be better soon...
It was down for a bit, but we're working on it. Let's see how it goes now.
Slow loading earlier (about two hours prior to this post) which lead me to log off. As of posting, this is the first time I've actually been able to peruse the forum since these issues began, although posting itself is rather slow. Whatever ya'll are doing to fix it, you're going in the right direction. c:
I love the banner! Now I'd like to see a collectible to commemorate the great server fire of 2018.

They missed the opportunity to put resetti on fire.
That's the best Resetti's ever looked. The forum is working better today but I'm having problems getting into the Settings still. The only way I can get it to work is by opening it in Incognito in Chrome. Other than that *knocks on wood* this is the best the forums worked for me in 2 weeks.
I saw TBT refused to connect, and that means that the site is no longer working, but it is now.

Keep up the good work, i'm the only one who truly has confidence on you.
On the bright side... The server on fire looks really nice against the night sky background =)

But yes keep up the good work. TBT is loading on my laptop and mobile now!
Sadly the forums crashed for me again not long after my earlier post. They were down for me for a couple of hours again. I only come on here on my laptop. (My phone doesn't handle any websites well.) I just had a problem where I went to type in the reply box of a VM and I somehow ended up in the Shop. This is a new twist. Thank you for all the work you're doing to try to fix these issues. We all really do appreciate it.
I miss TBT! It is working great on my computer right now, I hope that means it is on the road to recovery! Love the server on fire at the top, great little addition to the madness. XD
working a lot better now, hopefully it gets fixed permanently soon
took a few hours to load earlier, but hey, at least it's working for this period of time (let's hope I didn't speak too soon)
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