Red Light Green Light!

NEW!!! Added Friday!

@ Niall: Wednesday is already filled up.

@ Knightlordco: Saturday is filled up too.

@ Galen: 7:00 PM Pacific

@ IceZtar: Is 9:00 AM Pacific good for you?
9.00am... 8 hours behind (I think) = 5.00 pm. Yes that should be fine :D.
By the way do you just call out red light or thigns like that? You should make a red pattern orange and green and change your clothes depending on the colour you want :D .
XArceus said:
NEW!!! Added Friday!

@ Niall: Wednesday is already filled up.

@ Knightlordco: Saturday is filled up too.

@ Galen: 7:00 PM Pacific

@ IceZtar: Is 9:00 AM Pacific good for you?
Great! I live in Pacific Time as well!
2 More Spaces left!

@ lucyprettyskye: Sunday is filled up.

@ Galen: Changed it to 8:45 PM. Is that time ok?

@ jordynlivesinfuntown: I don't get what your talking about.

EDIT: Since no one is coming, it's canceled.
@ jordynlivesinfuntown: I live in California. It's 7:41 there. The time on my profile should have 1 more hour added because they changed the clock =(

@ lucyprettyskye: There's 2 more spaces left.