Red Riches

Manifesting a Fly Agaric Mushroom Lamp in my inventory when I wake up tomorrow (I will also accept any of the wands)!!
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I hope you get your Mush lamp of your choice! We all worked hard to get past this point.

As for what I will do with my collectibles, I’ll sell all of the envelopes, keep the fortune cookie for a later resale, and sell any collectible I obtain from the cookie.
Amazing job everyone!
I hope some very happy people get some excellent coveted collectibles! It makes me very happy to know a couple lucky people will get those wands!
I think I’d be happier with an extra Dragon Token, but a jellyfish would be nice too:)
Super impressed with everyone who contributed! I came online to see if my last few bells were needed and I’m amazed to see that they are not.

Fingers crossed for a yellow star frag or a golden mushroom when I awaken tomorrow. Or, you know, any of the wands, but I think I used up my entire decade of forum luck in a blaze of glory when I won the final 12 Days of Collectibles raffle in 2022, as I have never won anything before or since. But even if I don’t get a bonus collectible myself, I think it will be good for the market to have some more wands circulating. Best of luck to you all!
The event is complete with 2003 Red Envelopes sold! That is an incredible feat. Well done to everyone who participated!🧧

With the final two tiers unlocked, the Heart Glow Wand, Cyan Heart Glow Wand, Star Glow Wand, and Silver Star Glow Wand will be added to the prize pool. This will be added once the odds have been finalised and approved by multiple staff members, we thank you for your patience in the meantime.


We'll post in here to let you know once sell back has been activated for the Red Envelope collectibles.