If it's a collectible, it can be any collectibles on the list. It could be a yellow candy for instance.
My question is: if we reach 2000, are we assured to win something or do we still have 50% of chance not geting anything.
Can someone explain to me for a second if we reach 2000 red envelopes sent does that mean our fortune cookie can either turn into a star wand or dragon token?
We can only get one of those two prizes?
From my understanding, if we reach 2,000, the Fortune Cookie will either give us a collectible from the pool (50%) or a Dragon Token (50%). If we don't reach 2,000 we might get an Orange instead
If 2000 Red Envelopes are sold the odds will be:
- 50% chance of receiving a collectible prize.
- 25% chance of receiving a Dragon Token.
- 25% chance of receiving no additional prize.