Mafia Redd's Revenge - Game Thread [GAME OVER]

Is it me? Uhhhh nope, I can't be the bad guy it's impossible !
betsy how we feeling about this joke

I was considering voting for damniel since quite a few people seemed sure on them, but now i am completely lost
do you have your own reasoning besides just sheeping betsy

wha- me ? i am literally just wandering around the thread like a lost child !
i dislike coming to thread just because you are being sussed but maybe its a bit harsh?
what does this mean?

what are your thoughts on a ness/doo team? they both tr each other strongly, and ness could coach doo. too obvious?
it means
your interactions with damniel seem like you aren’t paired but i thought you both could be wolf

so i assume one of you and damniel, who is now volt, are town

hence i broke it into teams based on that
what does this mean?

what are your thoughts on a ness/doo team? they both tr each other strongly, and ness could coach doo. too obvious?
unlikely since hes preaching for doo town so hard. i dont think they (doo) are in any danger to this to be necessary? also iirc he busses often
lets see
town = betsy lily dinosaur

everyone else iirc is melting in my brain
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boingo is ?????? but is isping and i don’t want to chop
lets see
town = betsy lily dinosaur

everyone else iirc is melting in my brain
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boingo is ?????? but is isping and i don’t want to chop
Hey hey! Put me back on that list and take Dinosaur off!
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unlikely since hes preaching for doo town so hard. i dont think they (doo) are in any danger to this to be necessary? also iirc he busses often
I haven't been mafia since 2019 thinking about it
Hey hey! Put me back on that list and take Dinosaur off!
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I haven't been mafia since 2019 thinking about it
pretty sure i played like 2 games with you being mafia around 2020