Mafia Redd's Revenge - Game Thread [GAME OVER]

Someone explain to me why this makes Dinosaur town, this is the mentioned post where she talks about my meta and this is like the only thing people have said is town about her
ahnnn idk it strike to me as pure and trying to help town. like shes not set on it but still wanted to voice opinions
This post just feels objectively town to me, like it feels too honest. Yeah it's dangerously in the territory of breadcrumbing your role (DOO: DON'T RESPOND TO THIS) but I feel like its legit.
ugh stop making me tinfoil because i overall felt like doo seems a bit coached and too self aware
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is lily gonna veg
: (
can i convice anyone on going there
i dont want to be mean tho im scared
ugh stop making me tinfoil because i overall felt like doo seems a bit coached and too self aware
join the doo tinfoil pls pls plsssss

anyways dinosaur time
Hey everyone! Oooo I got Apollo not bad!
I dont know alot about ness (or really anyone) but he seems to be acting similar to the way he did last game so I'm not suspicious yet. (Im gonna try to be more helpful this game lol)

Hi! Welcome!
this post felt fine hence why i didn’t comment on it
Back with some brief thoughts on the main topics of conversation:

Ribbit: I don't get the (potential) ribbot wagon? I know some are suspicious of them but the way they are acting is similar to the last game (at least in my opinion). I could be horribly wrong though, I thought they were mafia most of last game when they were town lol.

Ness: As i said earlier he seems to be acting similarly to last game so I'm not sure about him yet.

Dan: I have absolutely no baseline for what he acts like in game so I have nothing there

Betsy: Also seems similar to last game so far
also seems fine to me
Haha yeahh that was me and thanks!

I didn't really say anything about the rest as I just don't have too much there.

Lily- They seem similar to how I remember them acting in the last game though honestly, I didn't pay too much attention to them last game so I'm hesitant to hard defend that claim at the moment.
Doo- Again I have no baseline as they are new but they seem to be town at the moment, they are open and asking lots of questions.
Shell- I honestly don't really have any strong thoughts on you yet.
Bongo- Hard to tell as he hasn't said anything yet.
i am not spotting any red flags if you were to wolf read her it would have to be on vibes not content
ok how do you feel about dans replacement (volt's) comments so far?
the biggest difference between dino and last game is asking questions and not fossing the number one agreed mafia but she said she was going to try to be more helpful and that’s not really a wolf tell just improving as a player imo
Wait wait why me? I thought you were after ribbit?
I figured but I was more asking why pivot from lobbying for a ribbit wagon to me? Do you have reasoning as in something I said/did or just general vibes?
like i said only difference is asking questions
can i convice anyone on going there
i dont want to be mean tho im scared
sure if you tell me why
when i talked to lily and when ness did i thought her responses were good

honestly i have a crack theory on a mafia pair if doo is maf but i don’t want to cause drama
@BetsySundrop i agree this willingness to vote and miselim appears sus. i do mean that i’m willing to vote anybody provided there is some reasoning behind it (left that part out). but frankly i don’t see there will be actual good reasons on d1 so i will be a little reckless here and just make some stuff happen

whether it makes me look sus or not i gotta vote, and rn i got nothing so yeah poorly reasoned vote it is
hypocritical line
willingness to vote someone out = sus but is fine voting anyone with a justification in italicized

there's nothing hypocritical about this
it's not my goal to appear not sus
I hate the policy chop thing in this game. It's a small game! We have like, 2 miselims. That's it. Its too risky to just pc people. If you think its a real possibility, sure, but we don't have a lot of room for mistakes.
join the doo tinfoil pls pls plsssss

anyways dinosaur time

this post felt fine hence why i didn’t comment on it

also seems fine to me

i am not spotting any red flags if you were to wolf read her it would have to be on vibes not content

the biggest difference between dino and last game is asking questions and not fossing the number one agreed mafia but she said she was going to try to be more helpful and that’s not really a wolf tell just improving as a player imo

like i said only difference is asking questions
Alright be FR what about any of those is townish, all of that is just ordinary posts and could swing either way
Alright be FR what about any of those is townish, all of that is just ordinary posts and could swing either way
i’m meta gaming
i’m comparing dino to dino last game
moreover i expect a new player to have a harder time covering up wolfyness than an experienced one
dinosaur seems like dinosaur and that’s towny