Mafia Redd's Revenge - Game Thread [GAME OVER]

I dont know why everyone’s suspicious of me at the last possible second 😂
i don’t think i have enough time to delve into my own shell versus volt dilemma or convince anybody
Would have randomized between volt/doo.

You think both town
You're frustrating me so unbelievably much. I think both are probably town, but I'd rather keep volt in the game if it came down to it.
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why not volt then? it was a doo volt tie
See above
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i don’t think i have enough time to delve into my own shell versus volt dilemma or convince anybody
you wanna just vote shell with me? I'm choosing my own destiny.
You're frustrating me so unbelievably much. I think both are probably town, but I'd rather keep volt in the game if it came down to it.
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See above
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you wanna just vote shell with me? I'm choosing my own destiny.
heck yes
Ribbit, gimme a name. Ill switch to them now.
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You're frustrating me so unbelievably much. I think both are probably town, but I'd rather keep volt in the game if it came down to it.
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See above
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you wanna just vote shell with me? I'm choosing my own destiny.

Sorry. Cant keep up on mobile. Eod sucks.
idk whats shell objective in this eod
remember last game when i said different reactions to frosty cop make me think one of you and trundle was maf

well there is that but this game only it has nothing to do with you it has to do with damniel and shell