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Mafia Reindeer Mafia! - WE'RE DONE GUYS - YETI WIN

Oh whoops, I meant that I was awaiting 6 people if they wanted to counter claim me as coward.
Guys, if you're going to vote for me. At least make a case and not just vote because i don't believe a claim.
Daniel now would be a good time to claim.

Well since this is what basically happened with Haydenn i may as well too:
Bunch of people:"Haydenn is wolf look at all this suspicious behavior"
Me:"Yeah I agree because..."
Haydenn"LOL imma coward!"
Haydenn's voters "Oh okay sorry we believe your claim!!!"
Me" But he could still be fake claiming because..."
"No he can't your wolf now lets kill you"
Like seriously this is it isn't it? Haydenn may be telling the truth, but just because i'm skeptical doesn't mean I'm wolf.

I'm a townie, i didn't want to claim on day 1 but i guess i have to
Answer this please.

Probably Ender, he's been tunneling me this whole game for some reason and when the moment was right to lynch me, he hopped right on it. I answered why I didn't buy the claim but he still ignored my reasoning and gave me more questions for him to ignore.
Ok...well with Daniels behavior commonly i feel inlinde to believe him but i don't know if i should unvote...

I also don't know if i want to lynch starry D1...
Compilation of CMD's posts...
Only after game started; before game started there was a lot of trash~
Any edits done for space compression. Edits made to include posts replied to.
Alright let's start the game, hello fellow players i'm starting the RQS(random voting stage). Granted, you do not have to answer these questions, but answering them would help other players get a better understanding of you.
How many games of forum mafia have you played?
What's the most interesting role in the game to you?
What do you think should be the game of the year?
What's your favorite food?

I'll answer my own questions.
1. 7 here, 2 in flight rising.
2. The Coward with a doctor
3. Xenoblade X
4. Vegan chocolate
lets force her to claim before we lynch though
But you just voted for her?
Only important question is #1, thats 6 games.
Don't ask me any of these questions, i can make ones that will actually do something in a bit. #2 doesn't matter, #3 belongs in general gaming and #4 belongs in brewsters cafe.
Rude much?
Town please lynch Oath2order for unnecessary spamming. He is clearly mafia aligned by clogging up the thread with posts irrelevant to the topic at hand and is only hastening their victory ever second we let him live longer.
No, Oath can't be mafia. Oath is a One shot vig, that means he has one shot.
So, out of everyone whos alive in game right now, whos acting most suspicious? If they are suspicious, would you lynch them?
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Daniel, Jacob, Tom, whoevers invisible, i see you guys down there. Are you going to answer me?
Sorry dude, typing up a paper i forgot to do. But a little pushy to get other people's wolfreads so early i must say.
Everyone's, really only just shtosting so nothing has caught my eye so far. Most the the people observing the thread are new and probably don't know what to say without looking wolfish.
Kit are you happy with me using your slang?
Whats so pushy about it? I'm only looking for people's opinions on who is wolfish. At the end of the day its just more information for speculation.
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oh well thats nice :)
You can't wait to see what people have to say, not everyone is just going to respond immediately to a question.
Chill it's Day One I'm still ****posting and the game literally started an hour and a half ago. Wait for more people to respond, then we can role Call Me Daniel into a blunt and lynch him.
When did you become Snoop Dog
why are people still using this
So we can annoy you to update it
But Oath stop posting you're not playing and it's kinda getting annoying
Right now but Blu Rose is going against something that clearly is just to get the ball rolling, lets shift the band wagon onto her for now.
Yeah that's true, I mean they're denying to answer some little questions that they deem pointless. So what's the harm? Then they go on some kind of weird "nothing matters" rant.
I don't find it susipicious that badly, but I just wanted to point it out.
It's getting late for me now, so I'll be going off to bed.ill check in the morning to see what blu says.
Not doing the RQS that he probably thinks is a waste of time doesn't seem scummy to me. All that the RQS is designed to do is start and continue discussion and it accomplished that goal. And I'm pretty sure that the post on Ender was a joke post
Yeah, this doesn't really seem serious
But still, refusal to answer the RQS in the very beginning still strikes me as odd, however I don't like to vote for anyone until I get their reaction. So I'll be holding off my vote until I see more critical stuff.
Are you sure?
You need to stop being so negative, just loosen up a bit bud :)
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Also please don't post if you're not playing Oath.
I'm pretty sure that's not even what that means talking about coins doesn't make sense
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Hello sorry I'm noob here what is a mafia?
Mafia is a game were you have the large uninformed vs the smaller informed. It's like you have a big group of people and a few of them are villains and we need to find out who's bad. You're not really allowed to post in on going games, but feel free to sign up for a new one game whenever these games end!
she was sketchy with her ''i wish i was a wolf lol that'd be ironic'' line
HELLA sketch : )
Well, Starry usually pushes her town claim when she is a wolf. It's usually "Hahah wouldn't it be funny if i was mafia" or "If i was mafia...". So if she is wolf it wouldn't be surprising from her typical behavior.
oops i accidentally slipped!!!
I find it more of joking though, I don't really think anyone would be stupid enough to claim like that and take it back, makes no sense, wouldn't you agree?
I never got a pm from Trojan, what are you guys talking about everyone getting one?
[in response to Jacob]Newbies tend to just sit back and bandwagon with experienced players, so i don't blame you for not contributing.
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Are you guys on mobile because it tends to happen to me there too.
It could also be a quote glitch in the site itself.
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Oh how ironic
I haven't been hostile to anyone about lynching, it was reaction testing (like usual, this makes people think i'm wolfy :) ) Jacob you should go back and read, because Starry hasn't done anything but say 2 posts that aren't even that wolfy in the first place. Yes she says "it would be ironic if i was a wolf", she never said anything about her wishing to be mafia.
Theres nothing wolfy about me defending someone who clearly isn't wolfy.
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EBWOP: I should say that those 2 posts are slightly like her in Smash Mafia, so thats why i put her at FoS.
Well, you have been acting very aggressive.
Bluntly saying my RQS was pointless(and the way you said the questions were stupid make it worse), telling the person who didn't know what this game was to basically just go away, and just the tone of your posts just seem jerkish.
I'd read back on your own posts, because I'm sure you'll see what I'm talking about.
I also don't get your trap, whose reaction are you even looking for? Getting one person's reaction is one thing, but trying to get everyone's reaction with only one "trap" wouldn't work out well. And it just creates more confusion then anything else.
I'm sorry if i'm being a jerk, i don't mean to come off that way. I didn't mean to tell Big Bang to go away :l
You've played the star wars mafia. You know how Endless did the same thing for Trundle to look for reactions? Thats what i did, i expected to get something but nothing happened.
Also Daniel, i even told you about this before. So whats up with that?
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I also said that i was looking for a reaction from Tom mostly, there wasn't anything really suspicious about Blu's rant in the first place.
Endless also mislynched Dolby, so i won't use his strategy as a good example.
Just because you told me your plan, doesn't mean i get it or agree with it.
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Why just Tom's reaction?
This rubbed me the wrong way, this is why i wanted his reaction.
Blu's post was never really wolfy in any way, i found it to be a respective opinion. While i'm not calling Blu rose completely out as town and i did find it to be a bit much, i thought i could use it as a way to find information.
But obviously Tom didn't take the bait and i'm a glad about that. (also considering he's a good player, i don't think he would have anyway)
Why are you glad he didn't take the bait, wouldn't you hope he did to prove he's lupus(that's latin for wolf, sounds cooler)? And if you didn't think he would take it for being good, why bother doing the trap just for him and saying you're whole plan to everyone when you didn't expect it to work?
Also Kit, you may want to change officalcupcake to Reyy on your playerlist, because that confused me on who they were and why reyy was posting.
Wowie Tom senpai is noticing me!
This is why sweetheart, i also stated it in a post above earlier.
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Just said i was never suspicious blu, my child. thats also not a very good way to try and make me wolfy.
Also is this all you have? You didn't defend yourself, just slide attention onto me.
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EBWOP: Sorry, you just made an Excuse about all of it without defending yourself.
The fact that you're calling people honey and sweetie when they're questioning you sticks out like a sore thumb.
Wasn't it worth a shot?
Also what are you even saying here? Almost all of this post can be answered by reading back.
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You're going at me really hard right now daniel...why is this so?
Just trying to get as much out of you as i can, couldn't you say your doing the same thing with Tom?
****ty post insert here "call me nessy"
I'm still sus of Haydenn. Keeping my vote on them
But they though? His defense seems pretty solid.
Love is all but an illusion.
I'll be posting my inital scum reads later on today.
Writing my reads right now.
I'm almost done with my reads, so maybe that will shine some light on the top lynch candidates,
Stop giving us updates and finish 'em already plox.
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Daniel leading poorly made wagons isn't an alignment indication. =P
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I'm going to go grab food. I hope Daniel's reads are up by the time I get back.
Fam, you gotta wait. I'm doing reads on every single player with some evidence. My reads usually take long to write as you've seen in our previous games.
Okay guys, here are my reads, from least to most wolfy. Using colors like usual, Green is townie, Yellow is suspicious, Red is mafia.
[read the post yourself dumbasses i'm not gathering every ****ing quote he put in here kthxbye]
1. Did you read the roleclaim?
2. Did you read the roleclaim?
3. Did you read the roleclaim?
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You were right about my poke at you tho.
Yeah i just did and I'm thinking about it right now, I don't think it's that though. Tanking a hit is a pretty risky trick and I wouldn't expect it from Haydenn. I really just think it's a ploy to screw with our minds and not vote, like i see happening now.
Jacob multipludes of people can have the same role, so thats not valid.
Alright, i'm putting my vote on Daniel. His reasoning for lynching Haydenn when he just voted for him is complete BS in my eyes.
But why is it BS though? I'm suspicious of someone, I gave my reasoning for not believing the claim, and i voted for them.
Think about it, with a roleblocker, woudn't it make more sense to role block him and kill bigger threats?
I don't know if you guys are using my original suspicions on Haydenn against me, because i wrote them before he claimed coward.
I'm not really sure why you guys are getting suspicious of me though, I've seen mafia escape lynches from claiming blue. I'm not sure if this is a real role claim or just another fake claim to save his skin like it has been done before.
When you guys are thinking that Haydenn's original tactic was to get mafia to believe he's a vig, why would he just say oh was that a slip?? and take back what he said? If he wanted mafia to waste a move on him, he should have just stood his ground as vig. He could be telling the truth, but he could not be.
Oh, he could be fake-claiming. But let me ask you three things.
1. What's the chance he's fake-claiming without a counter-claim. As an uncced Blue role, he should never EVER be lynched.
2. At what point does someone who has already played a few games claim Vig straight up. He was trying to draw attention to himself for the wolves to waste a turn on. He didn't do it well, but the effort is there.
1. He claimed near lynching, around a time when there may not be enough people time to counter claim.
2. If he was going to claim vig for a waste, he should just have hard claimed it. Since it's a 2 shot vig, fake claiming and the real one counter claiming. 4 shots are too much for an 18 player game so he could have retracted it quickly when he reliased that.
3. I'm still not completely convinced Haydenn is town, a simple claim near the end of the day isn't enough for me.

There is clear proof that you didn't write this before Haydenn claimed! This whole post is either OMGUS or you panicking, because that is real proof that it seems to be looking like. This also reminds me of how you're trying finish a BS lynch on someone.

you also are ignorant and with Ender's questions (which are really good points) and you said that mafia could just roleblock haydenn (when why would that happen if you want him lynched)
Daniel is locked as my vote. Unless he says something that really convinces me then i'm thinking he's wolf.
Yeah i posted my reads after the claim, but when i was finished i was reading it to see if it made sense, put it in order, and do all the spoilers and colors correctly since i can't edit it afterwards. Scum reads take a while to proof read before the actual post is up.
I just answered Ender's questions, I'm not going to rashly respond immediately.
Prancer (Coward)- You are Prancer, a cowardly reindeer. Incredibly fearful of the mafia and suspicious of those around you, you can choose to flee the forest at night, making you immune to any actions on you. You can only do this two times. You are immune to Roleblocks.
I have 6 left if any of them want to counter claim me
You have 6 left of what?
Isn't that breaking a rule? No I'm a plain townie
No that's from the rolelist, so it's not the actual role pm he got.
Prancer (Coward)- You are Prancer, a cowardly reindeer. Incredibly fearful of the mafia and suspicious of those around you, you can choose to flee the forest at night, making you immune to any actions on you. You can only do this two times. You are immune to Roleblocks.
I have 6 left if any of them want to counter claim me
Are your 6 left the number of times you can use your ability? I don't get it.
Sorry guys, I'm an ass and only managed to compile his posts, I attempted to do something waaaaay too late in the day XD
If anyone wants to find some substance in this, go for it. I'm voting CMD anyways, just to give y'all the little push you need...
Im really sorry to everyone, I have an assignment due tommorow so I can only really start helping tomoz.
I woke up late :( For now I will withdraw my vote for Haydenn as there is a chance his claim may be true
Ok, so we have three lynch candidates for today. Haydenn, StarryWolf, and Call me Daniel. Obviously I'm not voting for Haydenn and I want my final vote today to matter so that leaves StarryWolf and Call me Daniel. Now both don't really have stellar gameplay, but I'm going to vote for Daniel because of his inconsistent opinions about Haydenn. He literally changed his opinion on Haydenn right after he claimed coward. This seems to me like scum trying to get rid of a problem, so i'm going to...

##Vote: Call me Daniel
Well, since the votes keep piling up to me and off of the other candidates, i guess I'm done for. I really still thinks it's stupid how I'm being lynched for being skeptical of a claim(Which mafia has been able to get away with a claiming before), but oh wells, good luck town.
Ok, so we have three lynch candidates for today. Haydenn, StarryWolf, and Call me Daniel. Obviously I'm not voting for Haydenn and I want my final vote today to matter so that leaves StarryWolf and Call me Daniel. Now both don't really have stellar gameplay, but I'm going to vote for Daniel because of his inconsistent opinions about Haydenn. He literally changed his opinion on Haydenn right after he claimed coward. This seems to me like scum trying to get rid of a problem, so i'm going to...

##Vote: Call me Daniel

This in a sense is basically why i voted.

Well daniel...if you're townie we're about to find out. You can try to get us any information/answer any questions before you die.
Ok, so we have three lynch candidates for today. Haydenn, StarryWolf, and Call me Daniel. Obviously I'm not voting for Haydenn and I want my final vote today to matter so that leaves StarryWolf and Call me Daniel. Now both don't really have stellar gameplay, but I'm going to vote for Daniel because of his inconsistent opinions about Haydenn. He literally changed his opinion on Haydenn right after he claimed coward. This seems to me like scum trying to get rid of a problem, so i'm going to...

##Vote: Call me Daniel

Not really, I still found him wolf even after the claim.