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Release day plans.

My plan is to party hard with some Crossers the night before, then wake up at 9:30am on June 9th, throw my hair into a bun and drive to Gamestop so that I can get my bundle and physical copy at 10am sharp. <3
Then play for the rest of the day non-stop with a celebratory lunch of chinese food. :D

On June 8th at 11:30 PM, I will be preparing some celebratory snacks of rice cakes and unsweetened iced tea, then at midnight, ill download the game and fish to my little hearts content, ill fall asleep and then head to my baby shower during the morning/day of June 9th.
Aw, a baby shower? Congrats! ^^
My plan is to party hard with some Crossers the night before, then wake up at 9:30am on June 9th, throw my hair into a bun and drive to Gamestop so that I can get my bundle and physical copy at 10am sharp. <3
Then play for the rest of the day non-stop with a celebratory lunch of chinese food. :D

Aw, a baby shower? Congrats! ^^

Hahahah xD my boyfriend and I were talking about ordering in some Chinese since we will both be glued to the game all day.
I'm a terrible liar if I said I was a morning person XD
I'll probably get up a wee early, just to eat and shower, then around evening go out to BB to pick up my copy.
With some cash set aside, I plan to buy any AC accessories they may have because I doubt they'll give us the styluses from the Gacha machines. And if in some celestial cosmos, BB does have copies of NL for walk-ins, I might try to snag one for my sibling's birthday present so we both can be mayors and help get fruit and medals.
At exactly 11:59:59 PM EST on June 9th I will open up the eShop and download the game. I'll then completely lose control of myself while I laugh maniacally, similair to that of a hyena with a collapsed lung
Since I'm up till 1-2 usually anyhow... its a midnight download with some playtime. I wish it came out on a Saturday vs Sunday, but very glad is not in the middle of the week. Pretty much play all day Sunday and then suffer through work Monday.

Ordering out sounds like a good plan, but i think i'm going to go with Indian food. Tiki Marsala and nan bread, you just can't beat that,.
I'm going to go to GameStop at 11 and maybe I'll get starbucks or an acai bowl. I think this is a little inane to be thinking it out THIS far but whatever haha
I will add funds to my 3DS soon, and I will stay up till midnight to download the game. I will try to fall asleep before the game finishes downloading if possible because I dont want to finally get the game, but have to start it when it is at midnight. It will be a better experience to play the game in the morning, like 8ish because the shop will be open and you will be able to continue doing things other than wandering around town in the middle of the night, nothing to do. Like you could get a net/fishing rod and be able to make some money, and have more activities like bug catching and fishing.
I plan to download it at midnight, and after it is finished downloading, I'll scream like a madman and wake the whole house before playing all night. Since it is a Sunday after all.
My son doesn't know it yet, but we will be heading to GameStop after church to pick up the game and then going out to McDonald's to start it up and for lunch. :D

We are really looking forward to it.
At exactly 11:59:59 PM EST on June 9th I will open up the eShop and download the game. I'll then completely lose control of myself while I laugh maniacally, similair to that of a hyena with a collapsed lung

You mean 11:59:59 on June 8th, correct? :p

Thank you ^^
I have a very elaborate plan. What I plan to do on Release day? Well, when it comes out I plan to
Play the game.
I have an exam at 9:00 am and then going to a football match at 2:00 pm. Might get a chance to pick it up sometime in between but if not probably wont be able to play it until the afternoon. Going to be one busy day.
I'm going to wake up as normal and then wait a few days for Best Buy to deliver my Animal Crossing 3DS XL.
Wake up feeling like it's Christmas morning, put on my animal crossing shirt and leaf-logo bobby pins (that I'm in the midst of making now), go to Gamestop, sit with it in the car anxiously until I get home (and probably cry a bit), get out of the car and run like 20 circles around my house screaming, run to the living room or my room or somewhere and take turns playing and crying of happiness

Thankfully I don't have any plans that I need to go to on June 9th so I'm all good!! I told my friends not to plan anything on June 9th because that's when ACNL comes out and now every week they're all like, "Oh hey, let's plan a really fun beach day! How about June 9th, no one's busy then, riiight??" "Let's have a sleepover and a party on June 9th Tammy you have to come ok?" haha (does anyone else's friends tease them like this?? xD)
ugh god i know im getting the digital version as well and although i want to go head and start playing right away i dont want to start at night time.... ugh that is honestly going to kill me though, knowing that the game might be finished downloading but wanting to to wait for morning to come.... yeah i know im not going to sleep that night... or if i do its gonna be filled with lots of tossing and turning lol
Well I'll probably get up about 9am (june 14th for me) and get ready for about 10 and then sit bored for an hour and a half waiting for my postman who comes around 11.30.. I already feel sorry for him, he will be delivering new leaf and the last of us, I'm going to be like a hyperactive rabid dog attacking the letterbox haha