• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Resetting ACNL for your favorite...

Haha, I told myself, I'm going to time myself for 2 hours and reset until I get Hamsuke in my town! :D I'm going to make sure I have the face with the slanted eyes, also, but I'll use a face guide for that. Hopefully my other neighbors will be awesome too~

Native fruit doesn't matter to me as much, but if I get peaches I'll be very happy!

Going to reset endlessly until you get the one specific villager? Yikes D: Best of luck to you
First game I chose the very first map presented to me and I ended up loving it.
I have a second copy now, I spent about 2~3 hours resetting until I got:
  • Map with beach on left side instead of my main right.
  • R-Parkers one or two units from the ramp near the pier - I want to minimize the running travel times when farming for bells.
  • No beach that I can't access via a ramp, but if its a very very small lip I wont mind. - unfortunately it is common to have maps with two large beach fronts, but two ramps right next to each other on one beach, the other entire beach can therefore only be accessed by swimming.
  • Anything that isn't circular grass pattern -my main has circle grass pattern
  • Pears

Faces are easy since you can just use a guide to see which answers leads to which face.

I dont think I'll reset for the layout since you can actually pick your favorite one from Rover.
Problem is you will be given 4 choices only. If there are a couple of specific layout features you really want (non broken beaches, beach on left or right side, specific shapes that the river makes like a U segment to feature your house or a future community project WITHOUT someone having already got a house there, specific placement for tree, mayor house and/or R-Parkers etc)

The amount of map resets to check a new set of 4 maps per exponentially increases per requirement you add to your list
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Oh yeah forgot to say that as well as having cherries as my native fruit, I want my Museum on the right side, and be beach on the left side
I'm pretty sure the way that works is you have a "south-east coast map" or a "south-west coast map"

Shoe shop is always closest to coast museum farthest. So with an west cost map the beach will be on the left and museum on the right. Beach is always south. Town always north.

Of course this also determines which direction the train comes in from etc.
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Going to reset endlessly until you get the one specific villager? Yikes D: Best of luck to you
I did that in Wild World for Chow, a green gate, and triangle grass. I'm doing it again for New Leaf, and also a layout where everything's near the top and the train bridge is on the left.
Okay so i won't actually reset, because i have a feeling that i will get a layout that i like, i don't know why i just do... :rolleyes:
You shouldn't have to reset for your character look since that's based on the initial questions.
I did that in Wild World for Chow, a green gate, and triangle grass. I'm doing it again for New Leaf, and also a layout where everything's near the top and the train bridge is on the left.

Ah that brings up another point for me as well. I might reset depending on the design of the train station. :3 Not too worried about Town Hall since I should have the option to redesign that as a community project later.

1. there is a new option that allows you to change the way the map looks with out restarting; at the beginning of the game,.
2. fruits can be gained through Wifi
3. There will be face guides / hairshop / eye contacts
4. Villagers move in and out. you'll get your favorite at some point.

5. Fruit is a bad reason to reset. Foreign fruit sells for more than native fruit.

Therefor, there is no reason to ever reset your town unless you want to start over.
5. Fruit is a bad reason to reset. Foreign fruit sells for more than native fruit.

Therefor, there is no reason to ever reset your town unless you want to start over.

Or if you REALLY, REALLY like a specific delicious fruit, since you can only grow delicious native fruits, correct? :) Hey, someone wants to reset 100 times to get something they want? GO FOR IT! :D I don't have the patience for it, myself! lol
Or if you REALLY, REALLY like a specific delicious fruit, since you can only grow delicious native fruits, correct? :) Hey, someone wants to reset 100 times to get something they want? GO FOR IT! :D I don't have the patience for it, myself! lol

Agreed. :D
Responses added in bold in the quote below :)


1. there is a new option that allows you to change the way the map looks with out restarting; at the beginning of the game,.
Only 4 map choices per reset, you can easily cycle through 20 or so before you find a map that has specific features you want
2. fruits can be gained through Wifi
You can only grow native delicious fruit

3. There will be face guides / hairshop / eye contacts

4. Villagers move in and out. you'll get your favorite at some point.
perhaps really want or really do not want a certain villager without having to wait or cause them to move out. You could be waiting a lifetime otherwise

5. Fruit is a bad reason to reset. Foreign fruit sells for more than native fruit.
you might want to reset to get a certain fruit so yours is different to your most played together friends for maximum profit

Therefor, there is no reason to ever reset your town unless you want to start over.
You might be picky on grass patterns, train station design etc which you will not know until you have created your village
@ Traceguy Same as what ZedameX said but with this addition to point #3: The thing with faces is that I don't really care what face I get: as long as it isn't one of the ones with dopey eyes. Therefore, I intend to answer the questions without looking at a guide to let fate decided so to speak- but if I get a heavy lidded face: I'm going to reset.

I know the whole resetting thing is silly- I just am particular is all and have tried playing games with layouts I don't like or a face I don't like but it never seemed to work out right. It's like Qi. If there is something I don't like it feels like bad Qi for Feng Shui, it makes the whole game seem off and hard to play. I will reset until I get a layout that speaks to me/ that I love the look of, apples (because I love apples and seriously want those delicious apples), and a face as described above.

It's been really fun reading this thread to see what other things people are particular about! Can't wait to see the towns for real.
Are you going to be resetting your town for desired villagers?

I told myself I wouldn't but ever since I saw that rainbow sheep thing, he NEEDS to be in my town. I refuse to play without him.

First post on the AC:NL blog: http://acnewleaf.com/

Omg, it is beautiful.

How long should resets take each town reset?

How many villagers do you start out with in your town.. 4?

EDIT: Also, do animals have set houses? So like, the same animal in two different towns will always have the same house? Like, IDENTICAL houses? If so, that would suck.
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I will if I get one of those creepy kangaroos. I also really want Bunnie because she has always been my favorite.
I would never rest for a villager. I don't care too much on what villagers I get. I mean, unless I get Wolfgang or someone like that >.>
Resetting is a pain, but I will still do it to get a layout that I like. We spent half a day resetting with CF once, and it made the new town much more enjoyable after. I guess it's the OCD interior designer in me that makes it necessary, but everyone's gotta do what they gotta do.

On another note mentioned in this thread, I thought I had seen more than one delicious fruit in Lin and Ko's videos. Are it sure that you can only grow native delicious fruits? Maybe it's their video-ing between their two towns that's confusing me.