RESULTS: The Bell Tree People's Choice Awards 2014

i dont need ur dumb awards


omg mur this is really cute LOL
Although I didn't expect winning since I wasn't here long enough (even though you don't have to be an older member to win), I'm glad that I won an award. I'm not as spoiled as I was before I joined TBT (I wasn't even spoiled on the last eight months before I joined TBT), but I thank everyone who voted me.

Congratulations for the rest of the winners, especially Jav and Tina!
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Fantastic banners and fantastic winners. :)
Love the banners!! (Obviously Jav won funniest member, what're y'all talking about?!)
But isn't the surprise of winning kinda ruined for Tina if it was her making the banners for herself? <.<
Congratz to all the winners.

I wish i could of voted for every category, but i haven't been here long enough to know who deserves what.
Congrats Apple, Jake, Jav, Jer, Kayla* and WonderK! :D
* come back to us bb <3

I'm really glad people like the banners! And Murray's version was so cute!

Also, thank you for the votes! Obviously I saw the results in advance yet I'm still a bit stunned! :)
This is awesome! Congrats to everyone who won (Murray you are a winner in my heart).