ugg Bul you have been a bit of a fanboy, I don't care but it is true, one thread cannot change that.

and the controller was accepted better, at first and it slowly decreased as they saw what it could do, a name cannot do anything other than be there and represent something, but it still matters how it sounds to people. Ipod was an awesome name a completly different case, you don't hear many other MP3 players called by their names, normally because you just say my mp3 player, but if you have an ipod you say ipod, why? because the name is awesome.

that is why I say I will probably call it Nintendo, because it sounds better than saying wii... <_<

I think that people are stating thier own opinions and not just jumping on the vband wagon for the majority.... I just calls em as I sees em.
Woah...wii? Imagine lil' kids when I'm in the game store buying one then a lil' kid says I want a WII! and starts singing "Wii". :wacko: Scary that name sounds suicidal.

:D Blue wave or DS_MARKER sounds way better than a wii

*spots that pic bul and fish posted* OMG! I take back all those insults! Wii sounds okay but when I saw the symbol for it I drooled!
SPORGE27 said:
ugg Bul you have been a bit of a fanboy, I don't care but it is true, one thread cannot change that.

and the controller was accepted better, at first and it slowly decreased as they saw what it could do, a name cannot do anything other than be there and represent something, but it still matters how it sounds to people. Ipod was an awesome name a completly different case, you don't hear many other MP3 players called by their names, normally because you just say my mp3 player, but if you have an ipod you say ipod, why? because the name is awesome.

that is why I say I will probably call it Nintendo, because it sounds better than saying wii... <_<

I think that people are stating thier own opinions and not just jumping on the vband wagon for the majority.... I just calls em as I sees em.
Sporge, learn to think before you post. My past editorials, such as that Touch Generation one, yes, were BIASED, but I have NEVER bashed a company without any proof, and nowadays, I rarely bash any company.

In fact, I intend on puchasing a 360 along with the Wii, and the PS3 if the price was lower. Really, Nintendo's not calling this based on pure whim, we'll see a great advertising campaign.
Bulerias said:
SPORGE27 said:
ugg Bul you have been a bit of a fanboy, I don't care but it is true, one thread cannot change that.

and the controller was accepted better, at first and it slowly decreased as they saw what it could do, a name cannot do anything other than be there and represent something, but it still matters how it sounds to people. Ipod was an awesome name a completly different case, you don't hear many other MP3 players called by their names, normally because you just say my mp3 player, but if you have an ipod you say ipod, why? because the name is awesome.

that is why I say I will probably call it Nintendo, because it sounds better than saying wii... <_<

I think that people are stating thier own opinions and not just jumping on the vband wagon for the majority.... I just calls em as I sees em.
Sporge, learn to think before you post. My past editorials, such as that Touch Generation one, yes, were BIASED, but I have NEVER bashed a company without any proof, and nowadays, I rarely bash any company.

In fact, I intend on puchasing a 360 along with the Wii, and the PS3 if the price was lower. Really, Nintendo's not calling this based on pure whim, we'll see a great advertising campaign.
Yea. I suggest a 360.
Just making sure you saw it.
Hope you are happy.
Bulerias said:



the following songs work with "wii"

"Wii will Rock You" - Queen
"Wii are all on Drugs" - Weezer (gay song)

all i can think of for now >_>
Before criticizing the name, please read my thoughts on the matter:
Rev-Wii Comparoson

Also, I think we should have:

It'd be SSB3 (represented by the 3 'I's) and have the name Wii in it (wIII).

Also, it could kinda mean World War 3, but that'd be wwIII...close enough!

I hate this name with all of my heart. It is going to KILL the North American audience! I even formed a petition! *cough*sig*cough*

By the way, Bulerias, I still hate Wild World's name.
Now I know why people left this forum. Truly immature ones here yet close minded freaks.

I usually am a visitor to these forums, and felt kind of bad after what happened. Now I regret that.
Drazzle Dazzle said:
Now I know why people left this forum. Truly immature ones here yet close minded freaks.

I usually am a visitor to these forums, and felt kind of bad after what happened. Now I regret that.
meh closed minded no, but I have yet to be shown a reason why wii is a good name. When it comes to a name how it sounds is almost anything, the logo isn't bad that Bul had but anything can be pretty cool in that font.

And I guess I'm sorry Bul but Fan boy or an extreme optimist for all companies, it is still close a simple misunderstanding but there is a downside in the name as there is in the way plastation is going, eventually they will need a new name I think or we'll have PS32 by the end of our lives....
Drazzle Dazzle said:
Learn it by yourself. I highley recomend the interview IGN did with Perrin Kaplan.
you know that didn't provide anything new whatsoever....

That just says what I know. The logo wil look cool as I said but it doesn't sound as good when said. may be if I call it the I I like the monkey in monkey ball or aye aye captian!
Drazzle Dazzle said:
Learn it by yourself. I highley recomend the interview IGN did with Perrin Kaplan.
I do, too.


<big><big><big><big><big>THE NAME WILL NOT BE CHANGED.</big></big></big>

Here are the numerous meanings for it -

1) Wii, as in 'we', symbolizes that gamers, non-gamers, and casuals can all enjoy it.
2) The double 'i's in Wii symbolize two people playing the system, or two controllers.
3) Wii can also mean 'wee', which means small. The Wii is Nintendo's smallest home-console yet.

And I'm sure there are others.

Guys, this name may sound crappy, but in reality, it's short, simple, and genious. Really, the marketing technique could be awesome...

"It's not about you, or me. It's about Wii."
"Wii will rock you."
"Wii will change everything."

And tons of others! I love the name. <3
SPORGE27 said:
Drazzle Dazzle said:
Learn it by yourself. I highley recomend the interview IGN did with Perrin Kaplan.
you know that didn't provide anything new whatsoever....

That just says what I know. The logo wil look cool as I said but it doesn't sound as good when said. may be if I call it the I I like the monkey in monkey ball or aye aye captian!
No, read my post, and understand the many meanings behind the name.


At first, when I saw it, I HAVE to admit, I was... "What the 'bleep'?", but once I understood the first meaning, it started to have a ring to it. Then the second meaning dawned on me, and I was beginning to like it. Finally, the third meaning was understood, and now I love it.
Bulerias said:
"It's not about you, or me. It's about Wii."
chlorisa: peter... oh peter... its not about you...

peter: chlorisa... oh chlorisa, its not about me...

together: its about... we.

such a cliche quote, and it sounds like something that'd be in a soap opera (see above)

come on, the "nintendo blue" would have been better.

wii seriously sounds like they had a radon leak in the room, you can even tell from them saying "heh... look, the ii's are like people... heh..."

this is either the best advertising scheme ever, or the dumbest name ever... i'm hoping for the best advertising scheme.

right now they've got everyones attention, if they change it, they're awsome, if they dont... we get to try to understand what people are saying when they run around saying "wii" all the time, and you wont know if they mean "we", or "wii"

funny name though.
