[Roleplay] Haunted Ball

April glanced at Sophia. "By the way, I don't suppose you know what kind of metal your sword is made out of, do you..?"
April glanced at Sophia. "By the way, I don't suppose you know what kind of metal your sword is made out of, do you..?"

"I- don't," Sophia said. "All I know is that it belonged to my grandmother, and she gave me this hairclip before she passed so whenever I need the sword, I can just touch my hair clip and it appears. Anyway... Why is that important?
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"Oh," April said quietly. "Uh, sorry about your grandmother. I didn't mean to bring something like that up..." She paused for a moment. "I was just thinking, given the weird stuff going on right now, I wouldn't be surprised if a vampire or something like that did show up. Some metals things are better at killing stuff than others."
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"Oh," April said quietly. "Uh, sorry about your grandmother. I didn't mean to bring something like that up..."

"Oh, no, it's fine." Sophia said. "H-hey, look at that!" She pointed to a small door in the middle of the darkness. "I wonder what it Leeds too..." Suddenly she heard the low laugh again, but in a different direction from the door. "Where do we go?"
"...Splitting up probably isn't a good idea since only you have a weapon, so we can't go both ways... Maybe we should go through the door? If we don't, we might not find it again. We can just follow the laughing and stuff later to find the red eyes thing."
"...Alright." Sophie walked to the door, but right as she was going to open it, it disappeared, followed by the low laughing again.
"Well, um, looks like we have to follow the voice now," she said.
"Oh. Huh. Well, I guess that works too," April said, staring at where the door used to be. "This is starting to get weirder than the stuff in my books..." she muttered.

(It's quite late, I'm gonna go to bed. Night~)
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Mary huffed, wishing she had more control over the situation. April had a good point. The queen sighed and realized she had to follow this stranger, Sophie.
Sophie turned to the queen, realizing she hadn't introduced herself to her before. "Um, hello... My name is Sophie."
Oswin began walking backwards uncontrollably, she fell into the Queen making them both fall into a hole in the floor.
What the heck did you do that for? We're all going to be trapped done here, and the Queen is unconscious because you fell on her!
"Welll...um... I'm sorry." Sophia said. "It seems this hole Leeds to a tunnel. I'm going to follow it. You can come if you want..."
"Tania, are you coming down the tunnel too? Just make sure not to crush anyone, it's very cramped in this ho-" Suddenly Sophie was pushed down the tunnel. "Ahhh!"
(Here's my character sheet.

Name: Stephanie "Stevie" Blake
Career: Likes reading adventure novels but doesn't have a specific career goal.
Age: 16
Royalty Level/Class (Social) Level: 1st class.
Description: Stevie is often solitary. She prefers to be alone but when she can't avoid a social situation, she'll try to hide her annoyance and be nice. Aside from that she is curious, stubborn and can be snarky. Her mother is the CEO of a large company.
Looks (Link Only): The one on the far left.
The tunnel seemed to go down for miles, until Sophia landed in a pit of... Blood. "Ummm...uhhhh... E-ew."