[Roleplay] Haunted Ball

"...Why did everyone focus on vampires?" April wondered aloud, looking around in the darkness. "Demons and Fae are much more interesting..." It really was pitch black, she couldn't see anything.
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"Aha, demons... whelp, why not? Demons can be hot too, I guess. Fae are a bit small for me," Kit said with a shrug. "Anybody volunteer to be the first to take a look at the red-eyed creature?"
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The now worried queen questioned whether to follow her subjects or not. Deciding, both out of curiosity and concern, it was better to go, she crept after them. Darkness was not her favorite thing, so Mary was on edge.
Suddenly, a large lion appeared from nowhere and stared running towards the group. Sophia was about to scream but knew she had to be brave. She lifted her sword and sliced through the monster. Instead of crying in pain or falling or anything you'd expect it to do, it just faded with the darkness. Sophia nervously went on.
April was close enough to the rest of the group to briefly see the lion before it faded away into the darkness. "Wait... There actually are lions and stuff in here?" She muttered.
Alby opened his eyes after supposedly drifting off to sleep.
"Where am I? Why can't I see anything?"
"... So it's not a visually attractive humanoid? Aw, man." the maid groaned. "But good job there. Huh... I didn't think they allowed cats here."
//rushed ;-;
April was close enough to the rest of the group to briefly see the lion before it faded away into the darkness. "Wait... There actually are lions and stuff in here?" She muttered.

"I guess so..." Sophia said nervously.

Sophia was having a hard time seeing everyone too, but unlike Tania, it wasn't impossible. However, she couldn't see Tania anywhere. "Tania! Where are you??"

- - - Post Merge - - -

"... So it's not a visually attractive humanoid? Aw, man." the maid groaned. "But good job there. Huh... I didn't think they allowed cats here."
//rushed ;-;

"This place is full of mysterious creatures... Unless you're calling me a cat. If so, thanks for the compliment," Sophia said.
Tania heard slight voices, she seemed to have ran off quite far away on her hunt for the vampires. "H-Huh! Who is that? Tania can barely hear you!" Tania was about to shout again when she felt something grab her from behind, which made her scream.
"I wonder if there's any lycanthropes. I've always wanted to meet a werewolf..." April said. She heard Tania scream just after she spoke, and she whipped around to face the direction the scream came from.
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"W-what?" Kit whipped her head around, squinting her eyes in attempt to douse through the darkness. "Where are you!?"
Sophia could sort of see Tania in the distance, and saw the figure with red eyes from before grab her arm. Sophia ran to the figure and tried to chop his arm off her, but he disappeared before she could. Then all of them could hear a low laugh in the distance. Sophia thought about following it, after all, where else where they supposed to go in this strange darkness? The door back into the ball had disappeared. They had nowhere else to go.
"I'm going to follow that voice," Sophia said.
Sophia could sort of see Tania in the distance, and saw the figure with red eyes from before grab her arm. Sophia ran to the figure and tried to chop his arm off her, but he disappeared before she could. Then all of them could hear a low laugh in the distance. Sophia thought about following it, after all, where else where they supposed to go in this strange darkness? The door back into the ball had disappeared. They had nowhere else to go.
"I'm going to follow that voice," Sophia said.

"I-I'm coming too, wait up..." April replied, trying to follow Sophia's voice so she could tag along. She wanted to help, and was desperate to see what the red eyes thing was.
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"Thank you," Sophia said, "Having someone with me helps calm my nerves a little."

- - - Post Merge - - -

Tania seemed to have vanished along with the creature, she couldn't see at all now, and soon found herself passed out.

"Tania!" Sophia ran back and shook her. "Wake up! Are you alright??"
Tania felt someone shake her, when she woke up her body felt heavy and her eyes were tired. "Tania... Is okay... What happened?"
April quickly caught up to Sophia. "No problem," she said. For some reason, she didn't feel nervous talking any more. Probably because of the adrenaline that came from their situation.