|roleplay|Phantoms: The Raven Chaser|chapter 2 -

Just as the theme song of a show started up on the TV, he slammed the OFF button as lightly as possible. "Ok, it's time for school. Yay." He hissed to himself. Forgetting to turn off the computer or the lights, he picked up his black backpack and started walking to school.

Jacob arrived at the high school. "Woah..." He said as the was filled with alot of people. "Back in London, Things weren't that crazy!" Jacob ran inside.

"Jacob! W-Wait!" Evie lost Jacob. "That boy..." Evie ran into the school too looking for him, "JACOB!" She yelled out.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(The school.

Mariko walked up through the school gate, and paused in front of the class lists. Her eyes scanned the names until she reached hers. 3-3, huh...?
Haru got up and walked to the door, dressed up in his new school uniform, he was wearing the binder and hair tied back. He always preferred boys clothes. He caught sight of himself in the mirror, then stopped for a second. Erm... I... I definetly look like a boy, right?
"Everything all right son?"
"Y-Yeah, I'm off to school, see you tonight." He said and formally bowed before getting into his private car, driven by his hired driver, putting on a pair of shades.
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Kaida didn't respond. She just looked at Junpei. Junpei saw she wasn't responding, he moved closer to her. He whispered into her ear, "Don't make me look stupid, answer me or I'm going to drag you by your hair and throw you in a ditch."
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She entered the school, welcomed by rows and rows of lockers, and at the far end, a wide flight of stairs. She wandered over to her locker.
Jacob ran to the Classroom list. Seeing the numbers 3-3 above Jacob and Evie's name. "Evie! Were in the same class!" He yelled out as he was pushed.

"Ugh, Why me and him?" Evie stopped to catch her breath. "When's class starting?" She asked.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Kaida didn't respond. She just looked at Junpei. Junpei saw she wasn't responding, he moved closer to her. He whispered into her ear, "Don't make me look stupid, answer me or I'm going to drag you by your hair and throw you in a ditch."

Jacob ran to the Classroom list. Seeing the numbers 3-3 above Jacob and Evie's name. "Evie! Were in the same class!" He yelled out as he was pushed.

"Ugh, Why me and him?" Evie stopped to catch her breath. "When's class starting?" She asked.

- - - Post Merge - - -


(pls its just an empty threat.)
Entering the school, he glanced at the timetable, which told him some horrible code that no human could've possibly written. Sighing, he attempted to translate. "At... Art?" He murmured to himself, slamming the locker door open and just pushing in the empty husk of his bag, and carrying everything he could possibly carry without seeming like a total freak. He would find out upon reaching his destination - Class.
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She pulled out her indoor shoes from her locker, and with a slight dispondency, she cleaned off the layer of dust.

After she had swapped her shoes, she made her way to class 3-3.
She pulled back the sliding door, revealing 4 rows of wooden desks and at the front, the teachers podium.
"Hi." She called to the few students who had already arrived.
Haru stepped out the car. He looked around, shades still on, then walked into school. Where am I meant to go? He asked himself.
Yui was so distracted by her show, she lost track of time. "... OH GOD SCHOOL!" She said, grabbing her guitar and changing out of her lazy pjs and into her school uniform. Her style was super quirky, with bright hair and piercings, but she wasn't bothered by that at all. She grab some toast her little sister was making before rushing out the house. "Thanks Ui!" She said to the girl, guitar case on her back she got on her bike and cycled to school.
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"I'm doing fine.. I think we should get to class." Kaida replied. Kaida looked away for a second. "Do you know what class number you have, and did you check for me?" Kaida asked. "I have 3-3 and so do you; Want to go together?" Junpei smiled.
Mika physically dragged Kaito over to the board with all of the class listings on. If she didn't, he'd probably wander off somewhere. She scanned down the board, looking for their names. "Looks like we're both in class 3-3," She said.

"Cool, we're together!" Kaito replied. "Wait, why are we in the same class? Shouldn't you be in a higher year, since you're older?"

Mika sighed. "All of the time I was off looking after you last year set me back. I've got to repeat a year now. Anyway, come on or we'll be the last ones to class and won't get good seats."
She scanned the desks. Guess I'll just sit anywhere. She chucked her bag down onto an empty desk in the far corner of the room, and walked over to a window. A flock of crows were fluttering around, a few stray feathers fluttered through the air, bringing a sense of unease. Mariko shivered and stepped away.
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Haru entered class 3-3, as it told him on the time table. He sat at some free desk, taking his sunglasses off and looking out a window.

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(I want Yui to be super late and make a dramatic entrence XD )
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[School bell rings, School starts everybody must get inside there classrooms.]
Jacob walks to 3-3. "Come on Evie!" He said running now.

"I'm coming!" Evie ran with Jacob. This boy is sure happy. She thought still running.
"Those crows are kinda creepy, aren't they...?" She asked randomly, to the boy who had just sat down at a desk.
Kaida walked to class. She sat down at a desk in the back. Junpei followed Kaida, and sat next to her.