[roleplay] The Camp ~ Continuation ~ New Characters Welcome!

"But if we do split up, I will need all of your scents and we will need to travel with at least one other person." Holo said, crossing her arms. "I only bring this up because it might be sunset in a few hours, I don't think we should lurk in the woods after dark."
"Well I advise you guys to, but I can travel alone since I can defend myself." Holo said, trying to look tough. The others were probably capable of being alone, but she just wanted everybody to stay safe.
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"But if we do split up, I will need all of your scents and we will need to travel with at least one other person." Holo said, crossing her arms. "I only bring this up because it might be sunset in a few hours, I don't think we should lurk in the woods after dark."

"Since we only have a few hours, shouldn't we get moving so we can hopefully find a water source before then?"
"Well I advise you guys to, but I can travel alone since I can defend myself." Holo said, trying to look tough. The others were probably capable of being alone, but she just wanted everybody to stay safe.
I wish i got my Sword me...
(why would i have a sword anyways?)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Marie's Right! lets go!
"Yes, good idea." Holo nodded. "Who's going alone, and who is grouping?" She asked, inspecting all of them. "I will need all of your scents, just incase." Holo put on her hood.
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"S-Should we be assigned a partner, or just go with whoever happens to be there...?" Kyra said softly and quietly.
"Yes, good idea." Holo nodded. "Who's going alone, and who is grouping?" She asked, inspecting all of them. "I will need all of your scents, just incase." Holo put on her hood.

*pulls out a sword* Hey i do have a Sword :D Okay im going alone byee.
"H-Hey Asuna, can I pair up with you?" I call after her. "I only have a dagger with me, I don't really want to be alone..."
"Thanks. And if we run into any bears," I say, remembering she seemed scared of them earlier, "I can deal with them."
Kyra sat there, a nervous feeling growing in her stomach.

"Everyone's all ready, huh...?" She thought.

"But I'm scared to go alone..."
Holo rolls her eyes at Jason. "You can come with me, Kyra. Or them, whichever you prefer." Her smile was small. "Everybody disregarded my safety concerns and just ran off without giving me their scents." She groaned. "Not like I can't find them if they get in danger, it will just take a lot longer."
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