• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

[roleplay] The Camp ~ Continuation ~ New Characters Welcome!

Holo was alerted by a sudden branch crackle. Off in the distance, there was a deer. "Look at that, free lunch." Her fangs began to show as she watched the deer with a draining hunger. "I'll be back, stay here."
"Well.. time to look underground!" *starts digging with hands. after he made a tiny hole, he fell into something.. like water.. except.. it wasnt water.
It was boiling hot oil.. "GAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHH" he screamed and tried to fly out of the small pit when he got out, he collapsed onto the ground God... who did that? must of been a trap.. maybe by other people? grgh... it still burns... must of been... someone else... *groans in pain* *faints*
We continue through the forest, looking for a food source, and a water source. I hear movement, that sounds like it's from a small animal, not far from us. "Did you hear that?" I whisper.
Kyra nodded quickly.

She held her breath instinctively, trying to make the least bit of sounds; she didn't want to mess up Holo's catch.
*pant* "How... did they get.. OIL???"
*laugh* this has to be a dream. no one can get OIL here.
"lemme just wake up."
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Holo quickly transformed in the darkness. Her glowing red eyes where completely visible however. She quickly charged after the deer, there was no way it could out run her or even have a chance of survival, she was much bigger and much faster than the poor doe. As she gained on her, Holo quickly grabbed the deer by the neck and snapped it, quickly putting her out of her misery and dragging her back to Kyra. "Mission accomplished," Holo said with a mouth full of deer. "We should hide it under this brush while we continue to look." She quickly hid the body under leaves and branches when she returned to human form.

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"Dreaming.. your not real... no one. can get oil. burning hot. oil. in a forest. im dreaming. and the uselessness of that trap. if this isnt a dream, nothing is"
Holo blushed. "Well thank you." She let out a small giggle. "We're going to eat good tonight, but lets see if we can find other things to go with the deer, water being a priority." She thought she had heard screaming off in the distance, but she assumed they saw a bug or something that freaked them out and continued to look for water.
Kyra giggled also;

"Alright!" She held back a slight smile, she was proud of herself for managing to say a word without stuttering.

She then continued to search with Holo.
Holo felt as if Kyra was becoming comfortable around her. "This part of the forest seems so rich in resources. Maybe we could dig and find some seeds..." She said as she looked around, her voice trailing off as she peered into a bush and found some dark red, almost black berries, although they smelled really funny. "I found some berries.. but they smell really.. off. I don't suggest we eat these."