[roleplay] The Camp ~ Continuation ~ New Characters Welcome!

"I'm okay" I tripped over tree root yet landed on my feet like an agile cat. "I heard there was a camp here and I have been lost for a very long time. I'm guessing your name is...Holo? Anyway, my name is Aki."
Holo's ears flattened. "How did you know my name?" She questioned. "It is rather odd that you know my name yet have never spoken to me." He said he had been lost and it made her wonder why so many people were caught out in these woods.
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"Waahh.. its boiling.." *sees apple tree* "Haha, Great!" *runs over to tree* "They are all rotten.. aww.." *evil smile* "i can still use them.. mwahahaha.." *puts rotten apples in bag and runs back to camp* "Cant find any seeds.." *collapses on floor and starts sleeping*
-Catches one in mid air- Whadaya doing? Throwin' these apples 'n' such. -Looks at apple- Rotten. Playin' a trick on us, eh?

I'll speak normally from now on.
I started feeling exhausted.

"I've been out here for a while. I just found you now...*Yawns* I'll just..." *Faints*
Holo watched them fool around and yawned, still half asleep. "No idea."
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I woke up. "My name is Aki. I bet I could guess your name. Is it.....Jason?"

(Sorry if im OP. If I'm OP i'll stop)
I looked t nearby tree. I ran up to it and kicked it. It would normally see as if there were no fruits, but there was. An apple fell. "Im not hungry.. Anyone want this?"

(I'll make sure to tone it down. When something intense comes, i'll act like I didn't know.)
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