[roleplay] The Camp ~ Continuation ~ New Characters Welcome!

Holo noticed that everybody had their own food, and she had caught another deer so she ate it in the forest in silence by herself.
"I guess that's ok then" I say taking a handful, "there should be some dandelions around her somewhere, we can eat them. They don't taste good though"
*while eating berries* "Whag? i nevjer knew joo could eat dandeliens" *some berry juice spills out of mouth*
While not eating transalation = "What? i never knew you could eat dandelions.."
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*swallows berries* "i dont think it'll help though. like eating pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds whatever seeds are edible."
"You guys can, I don't eat fish. Jason, that was only in the dead lake, if you find another one there May be fish."
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"Gahaha, like a bird, i will dive underwater and grab a fish in my mouth! and then suffocate on it! be back later guys." *Flies off*
Kyra watched Jason go off.
She could understand Marie not wanting to eat the animals, but she worried for how the girl would get fed if it was winter, when the plants and crops all die off.