[roleplay] The Camp ~ Continuation ~ New Characters Welcome!

"That's not exactly... uh... I don't know if there are any birds around here, I haven't seen any in a while..."
I start to whistle a simple tune, hoping that there are some birds nearby that'll respond.
"Yes! im here! time to go REAL fly fishing!" *pauses* "Oh.. umm... clothes are covered in oil.."' *realizes the only way to do it*
"well.. crap." *im so sorry for the evil terrible jokes in this post*
"Whew.. at least my shirt didnt get covered in oil"

- - - Post Merge - - -

*flying back to camp, with fish*
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*puts hoodie back on and spits out fish* "Now im back with 5 fish that have been torturing my mouth, anybody want one?"
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"Yeah, usually if there's birds nearby, they'll come. Especially if I've talked to them before, but not even Charlie is showing up..."
(I've gotta go :( bye)
Holo was napping by the campfire after she ate a complete deer, satisfied. It was nearing sunset.
Kyra decided to return back to the camp, and let everyone else look. She had collected plenty of berries to bring home.

So she returned to camp, placing all the berries on a leaf by the fire.
Holo yawned as she woke up, the sun shining bright in her eyes. "Good morning." She said quietly. Holo really needed some water, it was hot weather. "It is really hot out today.."
Holo watched as he went, then turning the the fire once he was no longer visible.
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Name: Aki
Gender: Male
Weapon: Dagger
Abilities: Mind reading & Mind manipulation
Personality: Awkward yet friendly.
Talents: Physic abilities.
Appearance: Bleach white hair, Brown eyes, usually wears black skinny jeans and graphic tee's.
Loves: Milk
(Can I still join? If so, please fill me in)

I walk towards what looked like a camp. "Hello? Hello?" I saw people and ran towards them.
Name: Holo
Gender: Female
Age: 18


Personality: She can be blunt. She attaches to one person, is very wise.
Sexuality: Straight
Talents: flexible/athletic, hunting.
Powers/Abilities: Shapeshifts into a really large wolf, about 3 times taller than people.

(Just so you know who you're talkin to)

Holo was half asleep when she heard a voice. She opened her eyes and looked around, seeing a new person. "Hello..?" She said, half asleep still. "Are you lost? It's pretty dark out, you should be careful... these woods are creepy."