[roleplay] The Camp ~ Continuation ~ New Characters Welcome!

Holo's ears flattened. "Are you so sure?" She asked. "Yeah I just kinda went there without permission so go for it."
"Yeah. the only way you're gonna find meat is by eating a person. unless you do find a bunny, but watch how long that lasts. anyway thanks, bye wolfy! i start walking towards the camp
Holo's ears flattened again. How would they know anyways? She thought to herself as she walked back into the wilderness to search.
( ;;Hope i'm allowed to jump in like this. )

Name = Kyra
Gender = Female
Age: 16 and two months.
Abilities = Rainbow-oriented powers, basically shooting rainbow beams from her hands and stuff xD and her eyes change color and stuff like that..
Appearance =
Her shoes are blue and white striped mary-jane shoes with black bows.
Personality = Timid and shy. Loyal and forgiving, gracious; tends to thank people multiple times for helping her. She doesnt like to talk about her powers and doesn't often use them. Superstitious.
Talents: Playing the flute.
~ I love cake ~
Holo wanders through a forest attempting to pick up a scent. Her stomach was growling furiously as her wolf appetite kicked in. With no luck, she found a lake. Maybe some fish? She thought to herself and got near the water, noticing a few bass. Quickly, her head lunged into the water and she gulped up a few fish, instantly swallowing them and coming up for breath. That wasn't enough to satisfy her, however.

She continued to dip her head in to grab fish, killing them and placing them in the grass. She had a cloth she could wrap them up with when she turned into a human again. She had a total of 5 fish before she couldn't catch anymore. Turning back into a human, she wrapped the fish up into a piece of her clothing that she ripped off. Holo grabbed the wrapped up fish, running back to the camp in wolf form.
seeing Holo coming back I sneak up "Hey Wolfy! wait... There are fish?? How did you.. i dont know.. anyway, who's the man behind you?"
Holo's eyes widened. "It was scarce. But... What man..?" She smelled the air, but strangely there was no scent of anybody but herself and the person talking to her. She dropped the cloth filled with fish in front of her, still in wolf form.
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Holo turned around. She saw nothing. That was scary. "But I see nothing..." She said quietly.
"Huh. I think im just seeing things... no one noticed me yet." *does puppy eyes* "can i have a fish?"
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A rainbow - haired girl watched them quietly from behind a tree.
"I wonder what they're talking about...?" She thought.
"Are you sure nothing is there? It might just be me." She asked, looking around still. Holo tried to shrug it off by unwrapping the cloth with her teeth and then nudging a fish towards her. "Try roasting it over the fire." She said, shrinking back down to human form.
"Silly Wolfy. Im a man. anyway, Thanks!" *looks towards bushes* "I see a person in the bushes! come here! she one of the people that live here? looks like your right about someone being in the bush.."
oh i guess i didnt see ur char form, sorry lol ill go look at it

- - - Post Merge - - -

Name = Jason
Gender = Male
Abilities = Can Fly and summon 2 Katanas
Appearance = Light brown hair, wears a grey hoodie and wears Jeans and white trainers, has White wings and is tall and thin.
Personality = Serious
Talents = Fighting on ground and air and being Stealthy.
I love cake!

I SEE IT. Sorry.

Holo sighed, feeling really tired. "It's getting late, I need to sleep. Just be safe." Holo turned into wolf form and gulped down 2 more fish and then curled up in front of the fire, laying her head in the dirt but not closing her eyes.
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She sighed in relief and went a little further into the trees, hoping not to be spotted for a while longer.
As Holo lay down, she smelled the person in the bushes but decided to wait until Jason found her. She felt strangely protective over him for some reason. Her ears perked up and she turned her head slightly to watch him do what he had to do.

Lol here's a small size comparison with her and a human.
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*sees rainbow-haired girl and laughs, then grabs her by the throat "if you try to hide. dont dye your hair rainbow" i say, dragging her back to outside of fire* "that was easy. found her, Wolfy!"
Holo grunted angrily. "MY NAME IS HOLO." She frowned at him, growing more and more tired.
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