[roleplay] The Camp ~ Continuation ~ New Characters Welcome!

"Your blushing like a tomato again. Your cool. I like you. I hope when can be friends." I say, blushing a little while smiling.
Kyra blushed harder.
"B-Being f-friends...? I-I'd be.. happy.. to..."
She wasn't sure how to respond to this gesture, she hadn't been asked to be someone's friend before.

(Ahri is baaackkk :> )
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I turned to Holo. "How is your apple?"

I turned back to Kira, and smiled. I walked off saying "I'll be back! Just out to find more food."
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"Divine." Holo said with a mouth full of delicious apple. "Get me another." She giggled.
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Deep in the woods was an apple tree like no other I would go to this apple tree. The apples that grow on this tree are the most delicious apples mankind had ever had.
"Did I forget to mention that the forest is dangerous at night?" Holo said, spitting out a seed. "Ouch..."
I found the tree, and kicked it hard enough that, amazingly, twelve apple fell, and I ran back to the camp. "Holo!" I yelled as I tossed her one of the apples. "The most perfect apples anyone has ever eaten.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I tossed apples to both Kyra and was going to toss one t Jason, but he was gone.
Holo ate the apple whole and smiled. "Delicious... and now I'm tired." She fell onto her stomach and wagged her tail, drifting to sleep.

(Gotta go, school tmrw, cya guise)