• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

[roleplay] The Camp ~ Continuation ~ New Characters Welcome!

It took me twenty minutes to regain energy, and then I was so exhausted I went to sleep (Ooc: I'll be asleep for awhile. I'll be awake at atleast 9 PM PST Canada.)
(OOC: I'm going to go to sleep too, It's late here. ^^ I should be back in the morning, like 9-10 PST. And should we say that Jason and Kyra brought Aki back to the camp then?)
(Ooc: Good morning!)

I woke up at the camp. I turned to everyone and said "Thanks for helping me, guy's.
(Ooc; Morning! c: )

Kyra was sitting against Holo's fur, holding her flute and looking at it.
Upon hearing Aki, she looked over and smiled shyly.
"U-Um... I-It's nothing..." she whispered softly.
"Nothing? That was very nice of you guys." I tossed her an apple to have for breakfast.
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Kyra barely caught the apple, despite the toss being flawless.

She blinked.

"T-Thank... you-u..."

She took a bite of the apple.
I wake up and unfurl myself from next to Poncho a little way away from the main camp. As I sit up, I notice another guy, one I haven't seen yet. I wonder who he is...
I look down and see someone waking up. "Hi! My name is Aki. I'm ne hre!? He said as he tossed a perfect apple to (I think) Marie.
"I did. It's weird. I know. I know everyone's names, everything about everyone and so on, but nothing about this camps past or anything,.."
"U-Um... f-for how l-long... have y-you-u been able... to see stuff about every...thing...?"

Kyra stammered.
That had probably been the longest sentence she'd said so far.
Aki stopped in his tracks. He looked down, went to kyra and whispered in her ear "Since all my secrets were revealed."