[roleplay] The Camp ~ Continuation ~ New Characters Welcome!

She blushed harshly, being exposed to people making her embarassed.

"I-I don't dye it..."

She glanced around at the two of them.
Holo's expression softened as the girl spoke. "Don't mind him, he's a little adventurous." She growled at Jason again. "Be polite." She said sternly. "She's obviously allowed here. Are you hungry?" She asked her.
surrendering, i decide to eat my fish.
(OOC: Thanks!)(wait.. you werent blinkin this whole time?)
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Holo giggled slightly as Jason surrendered. She always knew how to get her way. "Are you hungry? You don't have to be shy." She asked, nudging a cooked fish towards her.
Her face flushed more deeper red.

"U-Um.. Thank you..." She took the fish gently.

(PFFT, i saw Cherry's comment about the blinking just now
and died.)
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Holo's tail wagged, creating a small breeze. She yawned heavily, shaking her head a little bit and her ears flopped around. "It's really late." She said, looking up at the night sky. She lay back down near the fire quietly.
Kyra took a small bite of the fish, brightening at the savory taste.

After hearing Holo, she glanced up at the sky as well, wondering just what time it was.

"Should... you two um, sleep soon..?" She whispered, a little nervous to use the word 'we' yet.
"If its safe to sleep..." She added to herself.
"Yeah, we should. If you're tired you can stay here with us. Or you two can sleep and I can keep an eye out for danger." Holo said, resting her wolf head in the dirt once more.
*wraps myself in my wings to stay warm* "its freezing! have fun freezing to death, rainbow hair." i say "Wolfy, i'll keep watch. im not tired anyway."
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Kyra cringed slightly at the nickname 'rainbow hair'

"U-Um.. If i stayed, would that be alright with you two...? I-I don't want to be a bother..." Her voice trailed off.
"Ah.. Um..." She blushed at Holo's kind gesture.
"If that's okay..." She stood up from her seat on the ground.
Kyra settled down, snuggled into Holo's fur.

She was kind of relieved and happy to have talked to Jason and Holo, they seemed friendly and she wouldnt mind getting to know them, although she wondered how close they were.
(Oopsies, I fell asleep last night xD)
I start to lose track of time while I'm searching for food. I eventually find nuts, and berries, that I gather and wrap up in a makeshift bag. It's getting really late, so I decide to head back to out camp. Wait, which way is back? I look around, but I went so far in everything looks the same, and I can't tell which direction camp is in. Oh no, I think I'm lost...