<Roleplay> The Empty City <Roleplay> [ENDED]

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Oh god!As soon as David saw Maki he gave his hoodie to her
Here you can have something to be warm! Through,we dont have food...
By the way,my name is David! What's yours?
"T-thank you..I'm Maki.." She said, getting ready to attack once they've "accepted" her.
Welcome Maki! You can be with us if you want! For the moment the other guys are attending some important stuff they will come back later. Nice to meet ya!
"Good to meet you too!" Maki said, getting up from her crouch-walking position, kicking Jacob in the (balls? XD) to distract him, while taking the hoodie and running off. (I'm not all that great with describing battles in case there might be one later)
"Good to meet you too!" Maki said, getting up from her crouch-walking position, kicking Jacob in the (balls? XD) to distract him, while taking the hoodie and running off. (I'm not all that great with describing battles in case there might be one later)

(david m8)
David started trying to catch maki throwing rocks at her,one of then hit her in the head and another one in the leg,making her to fall
Haha,you b!tch NOBODY plays with me David said,as getting a box cutter from his pocket
"Oh sh!t!" My life could end..but then I'll be with father! No..no no no Maki thought to herself. She welled up with tears, thinking about how one simple mistake could be the end of her. My wings! Maki thought and prayed for her wings to emerge, thus, they did. She got back up "ow.." She was in pain. Crouched her legs, and jumped. She flapped her wings until she was high in the air. She went as far away from David as possible. "Thank god.." She was relieved. "I just hope I won't run into him again...
WHAT THE~David got shocked when he saw that
David tried to throw glass and rocks to her but he failed
Damn,she escaped...god i must be hallucinating...i must told the other guys about this
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Maki was indeed, cold, so she wrapped the hoodie around herself once more. She saw David heading towards the other people. "Oh no.." Maki said, worrying that he's going to tell them. "Eh whatever, I'll just go by Aisuna now. Try to change up my appearance a little..I need to get down..batteries need to charge (they charge automatically over time, treadmill powered you can say..idk)"
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Ugh that "cutie pie" stole my hoodie. It's too cold here,oh well end i had been with cold since 2 years ago...
Now i must find these guys to tell them about her. I wonder what happened to Kaida...
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(Whatever I'll post with Yumi.)

Yumi woke up on the floor, in a dirty city. There was trash everywhere, and the air was very grey. She felt like something was dying in the city, since she smelt a scent, like something died. "Ugh, what is this disgusting place?" She muttered to herself, trying to find other people. She saw some people by a dump, and decided to go there. "Hey, do you know, by any chance, where we are?" She asked them.
Username: Ellaofdarkview
Name: Yuno
Age: 6
Personality: Sweet, caring, seems to be just a poor innocent child who's parents were killed in the war, very friendly, but if you cross her, she will definitely get very violent very quickly.
Other: She's always carrying her teddy bear, and various weapons hidden under her dress ruffles.
(Sorry for interrupting if you guys started rping)
Username: Ellaofdarkview
Name: Yuno
Age: 6
View attachment 155990
Personality: Sweet, caring, seems to be just a poor innocent child who's parents were killed in the war, very friendly, but if you cross her, she will definitely get very violent very quickly.
Other: She's always carrying her teddy bear, and various weapons hidden under her dress ruffles.
(Sorry for interrupting if you guys started rping)

(You didn't interupt us! I am going to accept you :) )
(Mk, thanks, I'm gonna start rping if that's k with the rest of you :p)
Yuno wandered the grey and dreary streets, her pink ruffled dress sticking out like a sore thumb. She sang "Ring Around the Rosie" quietly to herself as she traced a circle in the fluff of her teddy bear's stomach. Yuno was careful not to let her 3 knives, shotgun, and hand grenade jangle against each other under her ruffles. Especially not the grenade. Yikes. She continued to explore the streets.
Takumi came out of his hideout and angrily looked for Kaida. She couldn't have gotten that far. He thought to himself.
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Yuno had been sleeping near her parents' bodies since the last battle of the war, but they were starting to smell, so she was on the move. She dragged her belongings behind her, in a dusty and slightly scorched pink and white polka dotted suitcase. Yuno looked up, recognizing the old fancy hotel that her parents used to take her to to stay for a few nights when they visited all of the tourist attractions near the center of the city. Yuno had lived on the outskirts of the city in a small apartment, so this was a big treat for her. She gasped with joy and started to rush towards the familiar building. Her suitcase click-clacked along the sidewalk cracks.
"Finally. A home."
Takumi started to walk farther away from his hideout. Kaida still held onto Satoshi tightly.
Satoshi arrived at the camp. He lay Kaida down in the soft dirt, inspecting her wounds.

"You've got bruises and cuts, and two nails in your foot, and your bleeding, but you'll survive." He said, as he tore off parts of his hoodie to use to replace an adhesive. He wrapped two around her foot.
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