<Roleplay> The Empty City <Roleplay> [ENDED]

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"I-I.. I'm so sorry for existing.." Kaida softly replied. Kaida watched him use his hoodie as an adhesive, she stopped crying, but still wanted to be crying.
She could only look on, mildly horrified by all the blood. She looked away, only to see short flashbacks of a room with blood everywhere.
Satoshi gently stroked her forehead, as he wrapped more fabric around her arms and legs. "Don't be; we're all in this together." He said, softly. It seemed as if he had opened up to her in her time of need.

He felt a sudden rush of survivors guilt engulf him. He held back his own tears, as he wiped away hers.
Kaida hung her head low, and put her hand on her head. "Actually it's, it's a good thing that I exist, now maybe he wont rape another poor girl." Kaida replied to herself while getting choked up on tears.
She didn't say a single thing, as she was in her own world. She walked a bit farther off, trying to clear her head. She watched them from afar.
Satoshi placed his hand over her mouth. "Shh, do not speak." He said, tenderly.

It was obvious he felt some sort of authority over the group, due to his actions and his age. He felt determined to protect the three others, readied to put his life on the line if he really had too.
Kaida didn't speak anymore. Why am I still living? Why am I suffering? Why can't I be dead. Kaida thought to herself.

Takumi made his way to the main area, still being afar he closely watched the group. I'll blend in with them, be nice, and say I'm a survivor. They will think nothing of me. Takumi thought to himself.
She could see Satoshi do something to the girl. From the angle she was in, though, she couldn't actually tell what that something was. Frowning, she wondered if they were hooking up.
Satoshi slowly stood up. "Tell me when you think you can walk, I'll help. For now, rest your feet and body. Your body is weak, it shouldn't take much more pain, else you could hurt yourself more."
"Okay.." Kaida quietly replied. Takumi walked over to Kaida and Satoshi. He smiled, "Wow! I didn't know people were still alive in this place." Kaida recognized that voice, and that face. Kaida stopped crying and stared him straight in the eyes. The color drained from her face.
Yuno woke with a gasp. The nightmare had played out as it always did. Her parents falling from her 7th floor apartment. Thud. Yuno standing in the rubble, frozen with shock. She tried to forget. Every moment of the day, she tried to forget. She tried to be the happy. bubbly little girl she used to be. She usually believed the facade herself. But sometimes it broke. Sometimes the rage and horror and shock that she had felt that moment come rushing back, and she takes it out.
"They deserve it. Anyone who's mean to me deserves it." Yuno thought to herself, clutching her teddy bear tightly to her chest. She hid her suitcase in the battered hotel room closet under some melted plastic bags, and draped the curtains over it.
Yuno sighed and walked out of the abandoned hotel, searching for just one other human being so she wouldn't be as lonely, because when Yuno's lonely, the pain comes back.
She could see another young male walking up to the other two.
Finally, maybe someone that's normal. She ran up to them, putting out her hand. "Hi, my name is Chika!"
Satoshi looked back at the new person. "Who are you?" He asked. He looked back at Kaida, she looked very frightened. He mouthed the words, 'Do you know him?' to her.
Yumi realized the others were ignoring her, so she walked to an abandoned building that had a sign that faintly said, Hotel. She walked inside and saw a girl inside one of the rooms, with no door. She walked inside, hoping the little girl had a guardian. It seemed she didn't, so she asked the girl, "What's your name, little one? I'm Yumi." She smiled.
Kaida was a deer in head lights, she started to slowly back away on her butt. "I'm a surviver just like you." Takumi replied. Takumi turned his head around to Chika and smiled. "Hello Chika."
She looked back at Kaida, who looked terrified of him. Her eyes narrowed and she brought out the piece of glass she had and pointed it at him. "So, tell me why you're here?"
She realized she could've been jumping to conclusions, but didn't care.
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