<Roleplay> The Empty City <Roleplay> [ENDED]

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Yuno nodded to Chika. "Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you all~~~" Yuno chimed. She was starting to want to reach for the hand grenade hidden under her pink satin dress ruffles, though she preferred a knife. That's what she used to cut up those nasty bombers. At least the ones who were brave enough to come down from their big, noisy helicopters.
"You are quite the actress." Takumi told Kaida. Max was behind Kaida, growling at Takumi. "I'm only doing this so you don't kill me!" Kaida replied.
Username: Sugarella
Name: Niko
Age: 20
Personality: he can be very funny, he likes listening to music. he loves talking to girls. he'll be quiet at first, but if you talk to him he will talk a lot!
Other: he is important to yumi. ;)
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Username: Sugarella
Name: Niko
Age: 20
Personality: he can be very funny, he likes listening to music. he loves talking to girls. he'll be quiet at first, but if you talk to him he will talk a lot!
Other: he is bisexual.

(There is something wrong with your image, but otherwise, accepted.)
Takumi pushed Kaida up against a tree, and tried to kiss her. Kaida had kissed Takumi, Wait! Why did I do that?! Do I like him..? Kaida thought to herself. Max watched in confusion and then barked.
(yumi is purple, niko is bluish)

Yumi looked at Yuno. "We should stay with them, right? That'll be the best decision. Unless you want to go back to the batted hotel." She asked Yuno. Niko woke up to the sight of a garbage dump. "Gross." He muttered to himself, and tried to find the other people, if there were any.
(Edited the rules, Animal companions don't count towards your character limit. Making Max's form.

Username: P o c k y
Name: Max
Age: 3 (In human years.)
Personality: A loyal dog. Max cares deeply for his owner and is very friendly.
Other: Max belongs to Kaida. )
Niko saw a group of people, and a little girl holding a teddy bear, by an abandoned place of some sort. "Hey all! Any place I can stay?" He asked them. "By the way, my name's Niko. Nice to meet y'all." Yumi looked over at the new boy, or Niko, to be exact. "Hey! I'm Yumi. I'd be happy to let you stay with my little one and I." She told Niko. "Wait here." She muttered to Yuno. "By the way, she's not my kid. I found her, so I'm taking care of her. Would you care to help?" She whispered to Niko. "Oh, okay, sure." He told Yumi. She's quite the looker, to be honest. Glad she's letting me stay with her and her kid, I guess. he told himself. "So, where are y'all staying?" Niko asked Yumi. He couldn't stop saying y'all. I'm not Texan!
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Takumi was shocked that she didn't resist, he was even more shocked that she kissed back. "Why do I feel like I love you, even though you hurt me so?" Kaida silently whispered when she let go of his lips.
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"Yuno, Niko, come with me." Yumi told the two, and she held Yuno's hand. "So, Niko, how did you get here? I used to live here when I was little, now look at this dump." "Well, I was supposed to go to college here. But, since the war happened here, basically the whole city became a disaster. I slept here for a while. I was broke for a while. My mom came here to give me a few hundred dollars. I went to stay with her a while, then I came back here by bus. I then saw the tragic dump this place is now." He told Yumi, trying not to cry. "So, I ended up going to community college, back in my hometown." "That must've been horrible." Yumi told him, still holding Yuno's hand. "Looks like we're here." They arrived at the same place where she found Yuno. She went inside with Yuno, Niko following them.
Kaida began to cry. Why does life always have to torture me? It's either physically, or mentally. I never win. Kaida thought to herself. "Stop crying!" Takumi yelled out, and slapped her across the face, leaving a bright red mark.
(Ok sorry I'm back) Yuno nodded, "It would be best to stay with them!:)" She then turned to Niko, giving him a silent and shy wave. "I'm sorry about what happened to you."
Yumi went upstairs with Yuno and Niko, finding the best quality room in the hotel. "This looks fine." Yumi said. "What do you think, guys?" "I like it." Niko said, then blushed for some reason. I think I have a crush on Yumi already.
Kaida rubbed her cheek gingerly, "How could you do this to a person? Why?" Kaida asked. Takumi saw the pain in Kaida's eyes, "I'm sorry princess, you know I didn't mean it." Takumi hugged Kaida. Kaida started to cry again.
Yuno jumped around the room like a rabbit on speed. "It's sooo pretty! I love it!" She rabbit-jumped into Yumi, hugging her. She gently let go. "Thank you so much!" :D
"Aha, you're welcome." Yumi told Yuno, hugging her back. "I'll take your suitcase." She put it inside of the small closet. "I guess we can stay here for now." Niko smiled. "This looks nice." Niko said, and looked around. He saw a small bathroom, two beds, he was guessing one for Yumi and himself, and the other for Yuno. "So who's going to sleep where?" He asked Yumi, hoping she'd say they would sleep next to each other. He was clearly eager. "I guess you and I could sleep together? And Yuno could sleep on the other bed." Yumi said, blushing. You could clearly tell she also had a tiny crush on Niko. He's kind of cute, she told herself. Yesssss, he told himself. "Sounds alright." He said, trying to be chill. He laid on one of the beds, looking up at the ceiling. Yumi laid down next to him. "Hey."
Takumi wiped away Kaida's tears, "Lets go back." Kaida nodded, she tried to stop crying, after a while she stopped. Takumi, Kaida, and Max arrived at the main area. Kaida sat down on the ground and Max put his head on her lap.
(You know what Imma write in color too)
Yuno chuckled to herself, seeing the way they looked at each other, and the way Yumi blushed. She kept it to herself, though. Yuno sat on her new bed, fantasizing about who she would love when she was older. Someone she would love forever. Someone she would do anything for. Some one she would kill for.
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