"Alright." Kaida replied while getting up. "I'll be back for you later." Kaida replied in a seductive tone while looking at Takumi and then laughing it off. Kaida waited for David to start leading her.
Yumi went to find the other people, and found them all standing next to one another. "Hello, everyone! I'm Yumi, and this is Yuno." She told everyone, hoping they wouldn't ignore her this time.
David and Kaida went to a place where nobody could hear them
"Kaida *sigh* please stop lying. Chika and me know that your lying. Please tell me *looks straight to kaida eyes* did he was the one who hurted you?"
Yuno waved enthusiastically to the others, then took a deep breath and began rapid-firing words at the group. "Hi! My name is Yuno Gasai, and I'm 6, aaaand, my mommy and daddy are gone, so now Yumi's taking care of me!" This was all said in a matter of 5 seconds, and Yuno, sure that they had understood her even though they most likely didn't, stood next to Yumi with a smile.
Yuno wore the same grin, which was as wide as the horizon, and turned her head to Takumi. She pressed her lips together, still smiling, then asked, "Oh! Hello! What's your name?" She tilted her head, pink hair tumbling to one side of her head.
Kaida walked back to area. Kaida was afraid of course, but she sat down next to Takumi. Kaida saw the two girls, "Hi." Kaida put her head on Takumi's shoulders. Takumi kissed Kaida's forehead. "My name is Takumi, and this is my girlfriend Kaida." Takumi replied while pointing to Kaida.
Yumi looked at David. I ain't a little girl.. I'm 19. "Hello! I was wondering if there were anywhere nice to stay?" Yumi asked everyone. She assumed everyone would say no, but it was worth a try.
Yuno nodded. "Nice to meet you both! It must be so nice to have the companionship of someone you love~" She cheerily remarked, thinking of who she would love when she got older. Hopefully she wouldn't fall from the 7th floor of her apartment like her mommy and daddy before she could get old enough to love someone.
Yuno quickly turned to David. So many new people to greet! "Hi! I'm Yuno, like I said before, and if Yumi lets us, I'd love to stay with you guys!" Yuno beamed again. Her face was getting sore from smiling so much. Her facade was starting to crack.
Takumi got up and stretched. "Hey Kaida there's something I have to tell you in private." Takumi smiled. "Oh alright." Kaida got up. Takumi grabbed her wrist tight and led her to a private area.