Kaida stopped in her tracks, because one of her thoughts started to take over. Max didn't hear feet running behind him, so he turned around. Max titled his head and looked at Kaida confused. Tears started to fall from her eyes, rolling down her cut up cheeks. W-Why do I feel this way? Kaida thought to herself. Max barked at Kaida, Kaida blocked Max's bark out of her mind. Kaida slowly turned around, and Max barked at her again.
(Oki new character) Akemi wandered the empty streets, until she came across the rubble of what looked to be a hotel, judging by the broken remains of a sign which used to read "HOT L". She stopped in her tracks, spotting a couple crying, holding the body of what looked to be a child. Blood was pooling from the child's head, and a shotgun was discarded on the floor, rather close to the kid's hand. "Suicide?" Akemi thought to herself. "Bit young for that... Anyways, better go see if they're alright." Akemi silently walked over to them, her purple eye glistening with tears. She knew what it was like to have someone die. "Hello?"
Nothing gets done unless you do something about it. Kaida thought to herself. Kaida continued to walk picking up the pace until it turned into a full out run. Max looked confused, and sat down. Max decided to wait for Kaida to finish whatever she had to do. Kaida kept running until she came across Satoshi looking at the fire. Kaida was still crying, but it was very silent. The tears made the cuts look more vibrant.
"You alright?" Akemi asked, still standing behind them. "Oh, who am I kidding, of course you aren't... Was she yours?" Akemi wondered with a comforting smile.
Satoshi saw Kaida. It looked as if she was crying, but he didn't believe so.
"Hello, Kaida." He said. He finally built up the courage to ask, "What's wrong?" and his voice was soft and courteous, like it normally is.
Kaida began to smile while still crying, "I.." Kaida took a deep breath. "I think I'm in love with you." Kaida softly whispered. He probably doesn't love you back, who would love the monster that is me? Kaida thought to herself.
"I-I..." He didn't know what to say, he stammered several times.
"B-But..I-I thought.." He had no follow-up to his words. He felt tears start to stream down his cheeks. He was frozen on the spot, his feet planted in the ground. The fire beside him raged on, getting ever-so-close to him.
He doesn't love you.. Kaida thought to herself. Kaida started to slowly back away, until turning around. Kaida began to run away, reaching for the scissors in her bag. Kaida's tears got heavier.
She waited on, still determined that Max would follow through on his promise. She pressed her lips tightly together, her clothes dirty and ripped. Her arms and legs ached.
Satoshi took a deep breath. He gained the courage to approach her, ever so slowly, and hug her. He felt like he was melting, as the tears streamed down his face and onto the ground. The few memories he had with her flashed in his mind.
"N-No, you aren't." He said, his voice was sweet and tender, as he felt himself smiling through the tears. He felt more warmth than the warmth of the fire.
Satoshi let go because it hurt to bend over to hug someone so long and said, "Good."
He placed a hand on her shoulder, as he said, "I don't want to break your heart...but I'm too old for you. A geezer like me wouldn't be able to please you..."
A single tear escaped from Akemi's eye. She kneeled down, without a word, and put a hand on Yumi and Niko's shoulder. Tears were flowing from her eye now, streaking down her right cheek. She couldn't hold it in anymore. All the pent-up pain that she had been hiding since she was only a young girl was being released, whether Akemi liked it or not.