<Roleplay> The Empty City <Roleplay> [ENDED]

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"You never really loved him, did you?" He asked. "He only beat you, and you faked the love for him."

He stroked her cheeks. "I love you, but I love you as a sister, not my lover."

He smiled wistfully, trying to hold back further tears.
Kaida didn't respond, she just turned around, her hair slapping Satoshi in the face. Kaida walked away crying yet again. Kaida slipped behind a building and sat down. Kaida opened her bag and pulled out some scissors.

(Shes not going to kill herself don't worry.)
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He sighed. I deserved that. He sat down near the flame, as he felt himself moving closer and closer to it. He put his hand over the fire, and slowly put it in. He pulled it away quickly, as he shook his hand. Stupid man, too shy to admit your love. To big of a coward..
We can go back to what I did when I was younger, but I don't want to ruin my pretty arm tattoos. Kaida thought while looking down at her arms, her eyes moved down to her upper thighs. That will be good. Kaida opened up the scissors and sliced her thighs, making little cuts. Kaida kept doing this until one upper thigh was covered in those cuts. Kaida began to cry again, clutching the scissors tight.

Satoshi sighed, and stood up. He left the fire, tears streaming his face. He saw Max, barking loudly. He ran to him, stuck out a hand and asked, "What's wrong, boy?"
She put her head in her knees.
"Are they even coming for me?" She mumbled sadly. "I can't give up, not right now." Her head shot out from between her knees and she began pacing through the pit.
Max tugged at Satoshi's clothes and started to run. Hoping that Satoshi would follow.

Kaida kept cutting, until making her way to her right thigh. "I'm so sorry for ever existing." Kaida whispered. Blood was streaming down her left thigh fast. Kaida made more cuts on her right thigh. "This clearly doesn't tear you apart, does it?" Kaida asked no one, refering to Satoshi.
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Satoshi followed, Kaida on his mind. He was worried about everyone, and so he didn't show the pain he felt just for them. He clenched his fists, as he sprinted behind Max.
Max kept running until he reached the hole, he barked at Satoshi as he looked down at it.

Kaida's right thigh was covered by the time she was done. Kaida felt extremly weak from all the blood loss. Kaida collapsed while still clutching her scissors, tears still in her closed eyes.
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She looked up, seeing Max. "Max! Good boy!" She grinned up at him happily. "Didja bring someone with you?"
Despite her hands and knees feeling like crap, she was delighted.
Satoshi stopped at the large pit and saw Chika inside. "Chika!" He yelled, as he reached out a hand for her. "Come on! I got you!" His face showed worry.
"About time!" She said, laughing. She reached up for his hand, grabbing it and trying to pull herself up.
Satoshi pulled up, barely keeping himself from falling in. He was able to barely pull her up, and started to smile. "You okay?" He asked, seeing all her cuts.
She looked at the scrapes everywhere and scratched her head.
"Um, not really." Her legs stung and her clothes were dirty. Thankfully, she'd managed to bring the bat with her.
Max watched as the two talked, he sat there patiently.

Kaida's body started to get cold, even though she wasn't dead.

(Nobody find her yet :rolleyes: )
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