[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

I stand and watch him through the dancing embers before walking through, enduring the pain, and getting ready to throw more punches. ****... this heat is scalding... I don't know how much more I can take...
I move back a little arms in a 'x' shape. I pull my arms away from each other and let out another big fire attack. I put my hands to my mouth and amplify another dragon roar.
(Never mind cat, Jean is going to turn into a ****ing dragon!)
I get blasted with another wave of heat. That does it. I start falling to the ground. I try to catch myself but it's too late. I lie on my back, moaning in pain. I mutter out, "I'm done... for now."
I get blasted with another wave of heat. That does it. I start falling to the ground. I try to catch myself but it's too late. I lie on my back, moaning in pain. I mutter out, "I'm done... for now."

I exhale deeply as I fall to my knees and breath heavily. "Me... Too..." I had used far to much fire magic.
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(How about Sai heals them both and then releases all the negative energy into Blaze as a punishment? ;D )
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I watch as Jean collapses, "Just wait a bit..." I mutter, "I'm almost done with Blaze."
I stand up as I finish healing Blaze. I turn to Jean, "Still alive over there?" I walk towards him and begin to heal.
I stand up, "You should be fine now." I walk back over to Blaze and motion for Jean to follow.