[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

I grab his hand, "First off, I'd like to tell you that I'm very sorry for whatever pain I'm about to cause you. Secondly, you need to understand that no matter how nice I am, I don't particularly enjoy being abandoned."

I take a deep breath, "Now we're ready to start."
I tighten my grip around his hand.

"This is for lying to me about Holly." I send a weak jolt of energy.
"This is for all the times you almost killed me." I send a medium jolt of energy.
"This is for when you ran away last night while I was dying." I send a huge jolt to him.
"And this is for not telling me that I'm a nuisance to you." I send another huge jolt.

I turn to Jean, "Am I forgetting anything?"

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(( I know it's repetitive but it's almost 3 am so don't expect my best ; o ;
Mobile sucks btw ))
(He never called her a nuisance. That was in his thoughts.)

As the pain fills my body, I can't feel anything else. All I feel is pain. There is no reality. Only pain.
(Nah. The repetitiveness emphasizes the pain. It's a good thing.)

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(What about the things in the pollination he did? And killing Lance?)
I watch Blaze grimace in pain, "I'm not done yet. Tell me when you're ready." My voice is soft. I don't want to hurt him.

Nah, you're fine. Some pain'll do 'im good
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(3am... I'm being a rebel tonight while I still can.)

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(Where's Gio in all of this?)

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(I'll get off at 3:30... promise... >~< )
(3am... I'm being a rebel tonight while I still can.)

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(Where's Gio in all of this?)
(Haha, I feel asleep around then last night. It's 11:03 Am for me XD)

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(Jean stands awkwardly off to the side. "oh, so you two like it kinky do you?" (#blai))
(Sai is hurling pain at Blaze. XD)

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I say again louder in case she didn't hear me. "Ready."